A Register Reporter Takes a Look at the Lawrence County Ohio Prisoners at the Penitentiary

Ironton Register, November 21, 1878
Last week, we commissioned a special reporter to look at the Lawrence County, Ohio, Prisoners at the Penitentiary now serving a term in the penitentiary from this county. He reports as follows:
Wenzie Schindler, age 60 years, crime, murder of his wife, term for life; he looks well; working on the new buildings at the penitentiary.
Samuel White, age 40 years, a term for life, looks bad, working in the foundry.
Jerry Spears, age 40 years, partner of Price, who was hung; crime, murder of Hilgenburg; term, for life; Jerry looks very badly and says it is a hard life; he expects to end his days there; he said if they had hung him with Price, he would be better off; is working at the idle room keeping it in order.
Mrs. Smith, age 50, crime abortion; term three years; sewing works; looks better than I ever saw her.
Josh. Dyer, age 35 years, crime, grand larceny; term one year; Josh looks well; is working on the new buildings.
James Smith, age 45 years; crime, grand burglary; term, term four years; is working in the wire mill, looks well.
William Anderson, age 30 years; crime, poisoning horses at Sciotoville, Scioto County; term, three years; looks badly; is working in the wire mill.
Charles Fillgrove, age 20 years; crime, manslaughter of Helwig; term, one year, his term will be out Feb 2, 1879. Charley feels very bad and says if he had a million dollars, he would give it for one month at home; Charley is working at the tinner’s trade.
Frank Anderson, age 21 years; crime, murder of Mays; term, for life; he says he expects to end his days here. He looks bad and seems like a man 35 years old; Frank is working in the hollow-ware department and
Richard Barron, a guard from this county, is his captain. He has the best record for the good behavior of any man in this penitentiary.
James Logan, age 30 years; crime manslaughter; term, three years; looks badly, could not tell me he felt so badly; he is working in the foundry at molding.
Clawson Morris, age 16 years; crime, burglary; term, one year; in the idle room.
Charles Jackson, age 30 years; crime burglary; term, four years; in the idle room.
James Collins, age 42 years; crime, burglary; term, three years; in the idle room.
John Sharp, age 21 years; crime, stabbing; term, one year; in the idle room.
Charley Mariner, age 52 years; crime, burglary; term, ten years; in the idle room.
Joel Waddle, age 26 years; crime, murder of Bayliss; term, for life; in the idle room.