Clerk of Court Journal 1&2; 1818 – 1830 “G”

Lawrence County, Ohio
Index of Clerk of Court
Journals 1 & 2
1818 – 1830
Indexed by Plaintiff

Submitted by Maxine Marshall for The Lawrence Register website

This index was taken from a Microfilm of the original records in the Lawrence County courthouse, Ironton, Ohio. This microfilm includes records of estate settlements, naturalizations, guardianship, and miscellaneous court records. The old handwriting in this index is extremely difficult to read. Please remember there is always room for human error.

You can view this record at this link on the website.

Gable, David for S/B. Winder vs Miller, Jacob, Adm 69, 89, 92, 95, 130, 158, 166, 191, 208, 222, 242, 261, 277, 313, 329, 350
Gallaher, James vs Neal, Daniel 417
Gardner, Thomas Adm   Gillet, Joel 437, 467
Gargen, Joshua, Infant vs Hyatt, Thomas 498, 503, 509, 525, 542
Garritt, Isam vs Neal, Daniel 157, 167
Garritt, Isam vs Vermillion, Uriah 91, 96
Gharkey, Philip, etal vs Kerr, Gabriel 217, 236, 245, 262, 269, 282, 314, 336, 351, 369, 380, 385 (marked thru), 398, 426, 438, 459, 498
Gharkey, Philip, etal vs Kerr, Gabriel 500, 505
Gillet, Elizabeth vs Nash, Fanny 455
Gillet, Elizabeth Admrx vs Gillet, Jebulon 437, 515, 544
Gillet, Joel, Est of       356
Gillilan, William vs Neal, Daniel 416
Gilmore, Samuel vs Brown, Aaron 44
Golden, William vs Gough, William 268, 268, 282, 314, 333, 333, 544
Gough, William vs Golden, Thomas 268, 268, 279, 343
Graham, Jonathan vs Shunks, Peggy, etal 564, 575, 582, 597
Graham, Jonathan vs Thomas, John A. 622
Grand Jury Entries     54, 65, 72, 79, 91, 120, 135, 139, 154, 160, 185, 202, 211, 219, 222, 237, 356
Grand Jury Entries     241, 251, 255, 270, 276, 286, 288, 321, 332, 339, 371, 375, 388, 401
Grand Jury Entries     407, 430, 437, 444, 447, 451, 456, 469, 476, 489, 493, 506, 511, 522, 532, 537, 545, 549, 560, 564, 573, 577, 578, 580, 589
Grand Jury Entries     594, 605, 608, 616
Grant, Chris Adm vs Hopkins, Robert   
Grant, Chrisopher vs Jeffords, Henry 68, 89, 113, 137, 155, 174, 199, 210, 232, 245, 266
Grant, Christopher vs Fergusson, James 422
Grant, Christopher, Adm vs Brubaker, Daniel, et 440, 460, 478, 504, 518, 520, 542, 553, 567, 574, 588, 600, 613
Gray, John vs Drouilliard, Joseph, etal 317
Gray, John vs Swain, Samuel, etal 248, 266, 274
Green, Elisha B. vs Pratt, Jesse 28, 34, 48
Green, Elisha B., etal vs Langdon, Samuel, etal 364
Green, Hulda vs Adm Greene, Cyrus D 360, 443, 449, 465, 465
Gregory, Levi vs Young,Jacob 245, 257, 283, 289
Griffin, Abraham, Assign vs Hilyard, Thomas, etal 461, 545
Griffin, Abraham, Assig vs Hilyard, Thomas, etal 318, 369
Grocery Licenses     588

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