Probate Judge Helen P. Clarke

Ex-Judge Helene P. Clarke is Citizen of the Year Ironton’s “Citizen of The Year”

Ex-Judge from Lawrence County Ohio Helen P. Clarke is named Citizen of the Year  no source on newspaper clipping

Ironton’s “Citizen of The Year” is former Probate Court Judge Helen P. Clarke, who retired from the bench on Feb. 10, 1960, after serving 32 years.

The former Judge Clarke’s resignation became effective on April 1, 1960. Her term expired on Feb. 9, 1961.
While Miss Clarke was not an attorney, she served as Probate Judge of Lawrence County faithfully and well for 32 years, departing from the post because of ill health. Due to action by the Ohio Legislature, only attorneys-at-law are now permitted to serve as Judge of the Probate-Juvenile Court, thus Miss Clarke was the last layman to hold the important position.

In recent months, the former Judge Clarke has been ill and hospitalized a part of the time. She is now a patient at the Clarke residence where she resides with her sister, Miss Evelyn Clarke, who is devoted to her care and companionship.

The Community Betterment Club each year selects a man or woman as “Citizen of the Year” and the honor is one that is coveted by those who are selected. The choice is made by reviewing citizens’ lives and the contribution to their county and city in the community betterment field.

The former Judge Helen P. Clark’s nomination for the honor won the instant support of the organization which sponsors the program annually.

The Clarke family is one of the pioneer families of this county and is widely known in the Tri-State Area. The selection of Miss Clarke for the honor is a popular one among residents of the entire community where she served so many years in her official capacity as well as in other activities for the improvement of Ironton and Lawrence County, [Ohio].

Former County Judge is Claimed by Death

Former County Judge is Claimed by Death Lawrence County [Ohio] Probate Judge for 32 years, Miss Helen P. Clarke, 79 of 602 S. 7th St., [Ironton, Ohio] died at Lawrence County General Hospital at 7:40 p.m., Friday where she had been a patient since July 13.

Former County Judge is Claimed by Death
Lawrence County [Ohio] Probate Judge for 32 years, Miss Helen P. Clarke, 79 of 602 S. 7th St., [Ironton, Ohio] died at Lawrence County General Hospital at 7:40 p.m., Friday where she had been a patient since July 13.

Ironton Tribune, August 1, 1965

Lawrence County [Ohio] Probate Judge for 32 years, Miss Helen P. Clarke, 79 of 602 S. 7th St., [Ironton, Ohio] died at Lawrence County General Hospital at 7:40 p.m., Friday where she had been a patient since July 13.

Judge Clarke had been ill for several months and after the death of her sister, Miss Evelyn Clarke on July 13, she was admitted to General Hospital. She and her sister resided at the S. 7th Street address.

The lifetime resident of Ironton, [Ohio] was born March 9, 1886, the daughter of the late Samuel and Katherine Sutton Clarke.
Following her education at Kingsbury School, she became employed with the J. M. Urick Grocery and later with the John Gabler store and the Bertha McQuigg Millinery.

Judge Clarke was a probate officer from November 17, 1917, until 1920 when she became deputy under the late Probate Judge Charles E. Payne, serving eight years in this capacity.

In November 1928, she was elected Probate Judge for a term of four years, defeating seven male opponents at the election. In November 1932, running for re-election, she again won over a field of six male candidates for a second four-year term. She continued to be re-elected in the following…[rest of article is missing]

  1. Martha J. Martin

    Hi Marie,
    Call or visit Briggs Library in Ironton, Ohio. They have the burial record to these indexes and they will be able to tell you which section they are buried in. If you need to call, ask for the Hamner Room or Lori Shafer, her email is [email protected] the phone number to the library is 740-532-1124. If you need anything else, please let me know.

  2. Marie Akers

    I have found my great aunt & uncle names in the index
    Lucille J. Evans – 20433
    Phillip Evans – 19970
    So I want to go to take pictures of their stone but its a big cemetery I seen the map of the grounds with individual areas but know clue where they are located please can you help thank you

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