Storms Creek Baptist Ironton, Ohio

History of Storms Creek Baptist Ironton, Ohio

In 1811, Rev. John Lee, a relative of the famous General Robt. Lee, came from Virginia with his family, a wife, and five daughters and bought a farm near the mouth of Storms Creek.

He, with other Baptists, who had settled on farms along the river in the community, cut logs and built a large log church house on the river side of the road near the present Storms Creek bridge. Rev. Lee, assisted by Rev. Bennett and John Kelley, organized a church in this log house —– 1812, calling it    The Storms Creek Baptist Church. They chose Rev. —- for the pastor, who served until they died in 1839. The following is a partial list of the charter members:

Rev. John Lee and his wife
Peter Lionbarger and his wife
John K. Smith and his wife
Brice Henry and his wife
Morris Henry and his wife
Joseph Brammer and his wife
Isaac Henry
Sarah Henry
Jesse Sherman
Mary Kelley
James Henry, Jr.
John Lionbarber
Penina Golden
James Kelley and his wife
Geo. Neff and his wife
James Henry and his wife
Martha Yingling

At the first meeting of the Ohio Association, held at Tigert’s [sic] Creek, Ky. 18 Aug. 1821, the church numbered 36 members. In the early history of the church, Revs. Felix Ellison and Wm. Fuston rendered excellent service in many ways, especially along missionary lines.

Just one hundred years ago, on Sept. 7, Luther Rice, who had accompanied Adonrian Judson to the foreign field, returned and preached in this church to raise funds for the support of Judson. He found a ready response, many of the members giving liberally, Rev. John Lee alone giving $100.00, which at that day was a princely sum.

About 1820, the river banks washed away to such an extent that the log church had to be abandoned, and a frame church was built just across the road, and the church reorganized with about 33 members.

Around the old church was a graveyard, which also washed away, and many of the bodies were removed to Woodland. In 1839, Rev. J. M. Kelley was licensed to preach; in 1840, he was ordained and chosen church rector. He was married the same year by Rev. John Kelley to Sarah Ann Baccus, who still survives him at the age of ninety-two. In the early days of the church, they were very strict in discipline.

They brought members before the church who failed to contribute to its support. If any two members had the slightest trouble, the smallest offense or grievance, or the slightest intoxication of a member, they were brought before the church and required to make it right before they could sit at the board’s table.

In 1854, the present brick church was re-elected to that office until his —– (some lines missing-mk) Vernon streets, and reorganized with 156 members, the same being changed to the “First Baptist Church” of Ironton, Ohio, with Rev. J.M. Kelley as pastor.

In 1851, he was elected as Moderator of the Ohio Association and was re-elected to that office until his death. During his life, he traveled many, many miles to preach in the country churches.

The beginning of Bible School was a union school held in the first schoolhouse erected in Ironton. When other churches built houses of worship, they all started Bible Schools, and the First Baptist Church organized their school in 1847 or 1848.

During all these years, so far as can be ascertained, there has not gone out from the First Baptist church but one young man into the ministry, namely Rev. Jas. M. Kelly.

One young woman went to the foreign field as a missionary, Mrs. Mary Wolfe Lewis, in October 1902. Who is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jas. T. Wolfe. She is now engaged in missionary work in China. This church claims the honor of being instrumental in establishing the Lorain Street church. In 1902, a Bible school was organized in the school house, and in 1903 the church house was built and dedicated, and the church was organized with about twelve members, choosing Rev. T.F. Carey as their pastor.

Mr. Jas. T. Wolfe always showed great interest in the Bible School and church and did much to promote the enterprise. The following is a list of the regular pastors who have served the church. Several supplies have been filled in between:

John Lee, 1812
J.M. Kelley, 1840
Geo. E. Leonard, 1855, who afterward served as the State Convention as Secretary for so long
G.W. Gates, 1880
Joseph Sharp, 1864
B.F. Ashley, 1865, a man of rare gifts. He had associated with him, some laymen strong and true, such men as:
D. Phillips
W.D. Henry
D.K. Burkit, deacons, and others with E. Bixby, the church clerk. It was during his pastorate that the auditorium was finished and dedicated.
G.W. Taylor, 1870
P.P. Kennedy, 1871, it was not until this period of the church’s history, 1872, that the church voted to have the organ used in public worship.
J.A. Kirkpatrick, 1877
W.W. Whitcomb, 1879
H.A. Summeral, 1881
T.C. Probert, 1882
J.H. Roberts, 1887
M. Roberts, 1888
Neah Harper, 1889
E.V. Pierce, 1894. The auditorium was remodeled and dedicated to many pleasing features during the Rev. Pierce’s pastorate. Rev. J.M. Kelly and others assisted him.
Henry Brandt, 1900
V.L. Stonell, 1907
U.S. Knox, 1908
S.E. Davis, 1909
S.E. Davis, 1909. In this pastorate, the present parsonage was purchased.
Chas. E. Griffin, 1914.

    During this last year, 1914, the greatest gathering of the membership occurred in the history of the church, 174. Of this number, 135 came in after the union meeting conducted by Dr. W.E. Biederwolt. On the first Sunday in June, 81 new members received the hand of fellowship, which was inspiring.

On the 26th day of June 1914, lightning struck the church’s steeple, tearing away the large copper ball, which had stood the storms for sixty years. This ball was made in the tin shop of Duke and Kingsbury in 1854. When finished, it was proudly carried to the church by two young men, Charles Kingsbury and Elbert Duke.

Forty years ago, the Baptists were the only religious body in the city of Ironton. Many have been struggles, anxieties, and tears, and tears today. We have entered into the labors of those who have gone before. They laid well the foundation and let us continue to build not wood, hay, stubble, but gold, silver, precious stones, that their work and ours may be made manifest and at last stand the test of Christ, the one foundation and master builder of His Church.

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