St. Mary’s Baptisms 1842-1937

List of Baptisms from St. Mary’s Church in Pine Grove, Ohio

About these records

Robert Kingrey did a wonderful job transcribing these handwritten records.  They were extremely difficult to read. Some handwriting was dark, some were light, and some were nearly impossible to decipher. If you see question marks, it was handwriting that just couldn’t be read. Mistakes will happen, and with all records on this website, check the originals or the copies for yourself if you are unsure of a particular spelling.

If you find a misspelling, please do not be offended if changes are not made.  I allow the submitter to use their own judgment in deciphering old handwriting. What one person sees one way might not be the same as another sees another way. I could spend hours trying to change spellings from one person to another. If you want me to change the spelling, please let me know why. I will try my best to be as reasonable as possible.

These records can be found at Briggs Library in Ironton, Ohio.

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