St. Joseph Catholic Church

IR June 2, 1887 – The laying of the cornerstone of St. Joseph’s church has been put off until the 26th of June, which date has been agreed upon if it will suit the Bishop.

IR Mar. 31, 1892 –  A new fence is being built around the southwest side of the St. Joseph church lot and school property, which will greatly add to the place’s beauty.

IR Aug. 4, 1892 – A splendid new bell stands on the floor of the vestibule of St. Joseph’s Church.  It is a $700 bell to be used for the town clock, which will be placed in the tower and in connection with the (do not have an end)

IR Aug. 4, 1892 – The St. Joseph Church is to be furnished with heating apparatus by Bennett & Peck, Cincinnati, at about $450.  The contract was let last Monday night.

IR Aug. 11, 1892 – The new St. Joseph bell is up, and its tones are deep and mellow.  It is a great addition to the bells of Ironton.

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