Rock Camp United Methodist Church and General Store

Photos and stories about Rock Camp United Methodist Church and General Store in Lawrence County, Ohio

Rock Camp Methodist Church in Lawrence County, Ohio under construction in 1866 By Elias Wesley Bazell and family...  Photo Courtesy of  Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

Rock Camp United Methodist Church was under construction in 1866 By Elias Wesley Bazell and family.
Photo Courtesy of Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

The Bazell General Store in Rock Camp in Lawrence County, Ohio about 1910. Ran by my Great grandfather and Great grandmother Hamlin (Hammy) Bazell and Lucetta Ross Bazell   Photo Courtesy of  Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

The Bazell General Store in Rock Camp about 1910. Ran by my Great grandfather and Great grandmother Hamlin (Hammy) Bazell and Lucetta Ross Bazell. Photo Courtesy of Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

  • Gary Bazell Comments from The Lawrence Register Facebook Group in 2016: I have traced Samuel back to Person County, N.C., and found out that they moved to Pike County, KY, in 1790. Samuel, Elias Wesley, and Lucinda are all buried in our family Cemetery at Rock Camp, Lawrence County, Ohio. I would like to have any info on the Bazells. I have either Joseph or Robert Bazell as Samuel’s Father. They both immigrated here from England.

 Downtown Rock Camp in Lawrence County, Ohio about the turn of the Century...   Photo Courtesy of  Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

Downtown Rock Camp about the turn of the Century.
Photo Courtesy of Gary Bazell Posted on The Lawrence Register Facebook Group 2016

  1. Martha Martin

    Hi Mort!
    So good to hear from you, how are you doing?

  2. mort willis I am g g grandson of margaret smith willis was she from ky

    I am g g grandson of margaret smith willis was she from ky

  3. Martha Martin

    Hi Lisa!
    Thank you for your comment, I am not sure if there are any church records from this church. Hopefully someone that knows the history will be able to help you. Have you visited our page on the Willis Family? It is a collection from Robert Willis and I went to his home after he passed away and his wife donated his collection to Briggs Library’s Local History Dept. She gave me permission to put his collection on my website and Oma Griffith typed up his correspondence for the website. You might be able to find something in his records, he collected everything he could find at that time on the Willis Family from Lawrence County, Ohio. Here is the link:
    Hope this helps,

  4. Lisa Allen

    Could anyone tell me who all of the early members of this church were? Thompson and Margaret Smith Willis were. I am trying to find out if there were any Smith, I’m trying to figure out who her parents are.

  5. Hope Ross

    Hello! I am tracing back the lineage of Elias Hamlin Bazell (1848-1918) and I’m having difficulty finding information. I cannot seem to find anything about his parents. Any help would be appreciated. I am the great great grandaughter in-law of Elias Hamlin Bazell.

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