Debra McCarty Short Comment: This revival was at Old Baptist, not Palestine. Some that were baptized were Earl Hinkle, Vivian Hinkle, Clay Hinkle, Barbara Hinkle, Carl Roach, Esther Roach, Nancy Roach, Owen Roach, Inez Roach Taylor, Anna Lee Roach, Herschel Roach, Wilma Bennett, Eloise Myers, Virgil Burnice McCarty, Bill McCarty, Kenneth McCarty, Virgil and Virgie McCarty, Audrey Corn, Glen Corn, Glen, and Nancy McCarty, Faye Corn, Ronnie Hankins, Archie Richmond, Eileen Richmond, Mabel Saunders, Geneva Holder, and Bessie Kitts.
That info came from an old church book. I have a copy of the page where those who joined the church after the baptism. Copies should be at the museum.

Here is a copy of the old church book from Mt. Pleasant (Old Baptist) Church