Marion M. E. Campground

A Historic Agreement

The 1873 Lease of Camp Meeting Grounds

Discover the historic lease agreement between C. W. Simmons and the Marion Circuit M. E. Camp Ground, a pivotal moment in Lawrence County’s history. This scanned image of the original deed showcases the agreement that allowed the Marion Circuit M. E. Church Camp Ground to hold camp meetings on C. W. Simmons’ land from 1873 to 1878. This agreement not only provided a venue for spiritual gatherings but also fostered community development in Lawrence County, Ohio.

Marion M.E. Church Campground lease in Lawrence County, Ohio, Recorder's Office. Lease Book 1, page 272

Lawrence County, Ohio, Recorders Office, Lease Book 1, page 272
C. W. Simmons to Marion Circuit M.E.C. Camp Ground

[typed as written]

This agreement between C. W. Simmons, and William Garnoner, Benjamin Wakefield, Henry Keeney, C. E. Rose, and M. H. Price, Trustees of the Campmeeting Committee of Marion Circuit, Lawrence County, Ohio, in consideration of having a camp meeting located on my land, doth hereby demise, grant and let unto said William Garner, Benjamin Wakefield, Henry Kenney, C. E. Rose, and M. H. Price, camp meeting Committee, and their successors in Office, from the 1st day of September 1873 to the first day of September 1878 the following premises, situate in Windsor Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, a part of Section 19.

Commencing at the mouth of a Branch North of John Russell’s house, thence north up said branch to C. W. Simmons fence. Hence a South West course with said fence to Symmes Creek. The said Committee and their successors in Office having the right to take possession of said premises and clear off the underbrush, and cut away any dead or hollow trees which may be dangerous of falling, and make any and all improvements necessary for holding camp meetings, and at the expiration of said Term of five years, any person having any buildings or improvements on said land have the right to remove them and said Committee agrees to protect said C. W. Simmons for any damages done by wrong deeds to his land adjourning Camp Grounds so far as is lawful.

And we, the Committee, further agree to put a good and sufficient plank fence around said land. In testimony whereof, the said C. W. Simmons has hereunto set his hand and seal this 27 day of October 1873.

Signed in the presence of:
Sim. Simmons
John S. Keeney

C. W. Simmons [seal]

Recorded 7 March 1874 Lawrence County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office

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