Huntington, WV Herald Advertiser 24 July 1938 – A daughter of James Waldeck, Mrs. Maude Waldeck Gerlach also resides at Getaway, while another daughter, Mrs. M. B. Keeney, lives nearby.
Francis Russell came from Virginia, where he was born in 1814 and was the founder of Russell’s place. He shares the honor of founding the modern getaway with Thomas Templeton, the founder of the union deal. Mr. Russell fell victim to the terrible plague of Asiatic Cholera, which swept the country in 1866. He was stricken while on a business trip to Ironton, Ohio.
From its early settlement, the Getaway community was prominent in southern Ohio as a religious center. Itinerant preachers of such denominations as the Methodists and Baptists were almost always attracted to such communities. These, together with the United Brethren, became the leading denominations of the settlement. After each had acquired some following, steps were taken to perfect an organization and erect a church building.
Thus, Harmony Baptist Church was established in 1857. Its first pastor was the Reverend James Kelly, so prominent in Baptist circles throughout much of Lawrence County, Ohio, in the early days. For several years he acted as pastor of this church, coming to the monthly meetings on horseback from his home below Ironton and remaining with his flock from Saturday until Monday. Another of the early Harmony pastors was the Reverend Elijah Langdon.
During the winter, these pastors held revivals to which great crowds flocked on horseback, in sleds or sleighs, as the weather and circumstances dictated, but come they did. Many came, no doubt, for the thrill and excitement of it, for its novelty, or to have a place to go with sweetheart or lover or friend. Yet, no doubt, great good was accomplished as men and women, boys and girls, were made to see the folly of sin and the advantage as advantages of righteousness.