German Reform Church Ironton, Ohio

IET Mar. 23, 1927 – Old Residence Being Moved. – Fourth Street between Washington and Adams streets was blocked today. The old German Reform church building, which was later remodeled and converted into a duplex residence, was being removed to the South Side from Fourth and Vernon street.

A Refiners Oil Company filling station is to be constructed at the latter site, and G. P. Mahl and Son contractors started excavation and other work immediately after the frame building had been started on its journey up Fourth street.

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    Martha Martin

    Hi Denise! Thank you for your comment!

  2. Denise Sturgill

    This church was active in Ironton from possibly the mid-1800s until it disbanded around 1913. Many German families were part of this church, including my ancestors, the Wineka family. My grandfather and his siblings were baptized as infants at this church. I inquired about the records for this church several years ago, but found that they had been destroyed.

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