First Presbyterian Church – Ironton Ohio

New Pastor To Be Installed Tonight Special Service At First Presbyterian

The first Presbyterian church installation of Rev. Martin L. Gerhardt as pastor will be held at a special service at the church this evening at 7:30 o’clock. Rev. Maurice P. Stoute of Portsmouth, moderator of the district, will conduct the rites, and the sermon will be by Rev. Sam R. Curry of Ashland.

Special choir and other numbers will be presented, and a record attendance is anticipated. Rev. Gerhardt has been with the local congregation for the last two weeks and has already made many Ironton friends. He succeeds Rev. H. B. Vail, who died in Cincinnati some time ago.

Ironton Tribune, 24 June 1932, Friday, Page 12.


Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Gerhardt, the new minister of First Presbyterian church, and his wife were given a very charming reception Thursday evening in the Sunday school room of the church, which was beautifully decorated by the Young Women’s Auxillary, who used quantities of palms, garden flowers and cut flowers and summer garden furniture, making a perfect indoor flower garden, a lovely background for the receiving line, which included in the following order:

  • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moulton,
  • Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Gerhardt, ??? and
  • Mrs. C. D. Townsend,
  • Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson,
  • Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Pollock,
  • C. A. Hutsinpillar represents the various boards of the church.

After the guests had been introduced and welcomed by about 130 members and guests, the following program was given. It was in charge of the Young Women’s Auxiliary, of which Miss Eleanor MacNary is president, who gave the announcement of each number as follows:

  • Piano, Polka De Concert—Mrs. Carl W. Moulton.
  • Voice (a) Pale Moon (b) Sweet Mystery of Life—Miss Clara Louise Mitchell.
  • Remarks by Hon. A. R. Johnson welcome on behalf of the congregation.
  • Reading—Mrs. Clifford Edwards.
  • Remarks Welcome on behalf of the Ministerial Association—Rev. R. D. Wood.
  • Violin (a) Liebesfrend (b) Prelude—Miss Ann Berger, accompanied by Mrs. Moulton.
  • Response—Rev. M. L. Gerhardt.
  • Ensemble, Voice, Violin, Piano, A Perfect Day—Miss Mitchell, Miss Berger, Mrs. Moulton.

After the program, Mrs. Edward Feuchter, representing the Ladies Society, invited the guests to the social rooms downstairs, where the following young ladies served ice cream and cake:

  • Misses Sallie Irish,
  • Betty McGugin,
  • Clara Louise Mitchell,
  • Helen Feil,
  • Alice Daniels, and
  • Florence Wilson.

This was one of the finest welcomes ever tendered to a minister, whose response showed an appreciation of every courtesy.

Ironton Tribune, 1 July 1932, Friday, Page 8

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