First Nazarene Church Ironton Ohio

The First Nazarene Church in Ironton, Ohio. Published in the Ironton Tribune, 26 August 1932, Friday, Page 7

First Nazarene Church History Ironton Ohio  Fourth and Pleasant Streets

The building is of beautiful face brick, and although the building committee has avoided the erection of an elaborate edifice, the structure will be not only commodious and well equipped throughout but is of beautiful design.

The Nazarene congregation in Ironton, Ohio,  rightly feels that it will be not only a great blessing to them but also a real asset to the city since it is located in one of the best residential sections of the city and will be one of the commodious church buildings in the entire southern section of the city.

Work has been resumed on the new Nazarene church and will be pushed rapidly. It will be ready for use by the last of October if no delays are necessary.

Ironton firms, including steel, lumber, brick, and cement, are buying almost all the materials for the building. The steel beams and columns are being prepared now by a local firm and will be erected next week.

Nazarene Church

I found this pasted in my grandparent’s journal. This could accompany the photo in “Ironton Ohio Church Index” in The Lawrence Register. The handwriting is of my grandmother Nellie (Thornton) Nance. Submitted by Michael Brown

 During the completed structure calls for a full basement or ground floor, with an auditorium and galleries above, the plans have been from the first to build only the first unit of the structure at present, completing the auditorium and galleries later.

This plan will be carried out, and the first floor, which will be occupied entirely by Sunday school classrooms upon completion of the building, will be used temporarily for both Sunday school and regular church services.

And even this arrangement, according to Rev. H. C. Little, church pastor, will afford room for a Sunday school of around 300. When the complete structure is finished, ample room and equipment will be provided for a Sunday school of about 1000, with an auditorium for preaching services accommodating more than 500, including galleries.

The building is of beautiful face brick, and although the building committee has avoided the erection of an elaborate edifice, the structure will not only be commodious and well equipped throughout but is beautiful. The Nazarene congregation rightly feels that it will be not only a great blessing to them but also a real asset to the city since it is located in one of the best residential sections of the city and will be one of the commodious church buildings in the entire southern section of the city.

Rev. Charles A. Gibson of Columbus, the superintendent of the Ohio district of the Nazarene church, will conduct services each night for one week when the building is ready for use. As he is reportedly a preacher of marked ability, it is believed that large crowds may be expected from the beginning.

All church services are conducted in the Eastern Theatre during the building operations.

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