Lawrence County Ohio 1860 Census Index “S”

Submitted by Shirley Reed

Sager, WilliamUpper TwpPage 179
Sagmiller, J.Upper TwpPage 216
Sahweneger, AndrewUpper TwpPage 202
Saiter, AlexUnion TwpPage 64
Saiter, IsaacUnion TwpPage 64
Saiter, MarthaUnion TwpPage 64
Saiter, SquireUnion TwpPage 64
Sakle, AugustElizabeth TwpPage 254
Sakle, CarolineElizabeth TwpPage 254
Salene, Edwin P.Upper TwpPage 194
Salis, MichaelPerry TwpPage 5
Salisbury, RebeccaUnion TwpPage 67
Salter, FrancisHamilton TwpPage 97
Samonis, HamiltonLawrence TwpPage 46
Sampsin, CarolineMason TwpPage 94
Sampson, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 263
Sampson, WilliamMason TwpPage 101
Samuels, WilliamUpper TwpPage 204
Sanders, BenjaminMason TwpPage 96
Sanders, ColisaElizabeth TwpPage 247
Sanders, ElenorUpper TwpPage 187
Sanders, EvertElizabeth TwpPage 253
Sanders, George D.Mason TwpPage 98
Sanders, HesikiahMason TwpPage 96
Sanders, IsaacMason TwpPage 96
Sanders, JacobMason TwpPage 96
Sanders, JamesMason TwpPage 96
Sanders, JessaMason TwpPage 97
Sanders, John A.Mason TwpPage 97
Sanders, John H.Mason TwpPage 97
Sanders, N.M.Symmes TwpPage 135
Sanders, SamuelMason TwpPage 97
Sanders, WilliamMason TwpPage 97
Sanders, WilliamMason TwpPage 96
Sanford, NathanUnion TwpPage 65
Sanllers, ThomasElizabeth TwpPage 256
Sant, FrederickElizabeth TwpPage 254
Santem, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 257
Saunder, ElishaElizabeth TwpPage 244
Saunder, KishaHamilton TwpPage 231
Saunders, GriffinElizabeth TwpPage 248
Sauridge, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 261
Sauridge, SophiaElizabeth TwpPage 261
Saurs, WilliamUpper TwpPage 190
Savage, BenjaminUpper TwpPage 181
Savage, ElizaUpper TwpPage 172
Savage, P.M.Upper TwpPage 172
Saward, IsaacWindsor TwpPage 158
Sawards, JohnWindsor TwpPage 157
Sawards, NicholasElizabeth TwpPage 250
Sawer, AugustDecatur TwpPage 279
Sawer, JacksonHamilton TwpPage 235
Saxten, SamuelUnion TwpPage 63
Sayers, David W.Rome TwpPage 72
Sayre, DanielRome TwpPage 79
Sayrs, IsraelWindsor TwpPage 150
Scarborough, WillaWindsor TwpPage 150
Scarburg, IsaacRome TwpPage 81
Scarburg, MarianRome TwpPage 82
Schangrly, FrankElizabeth TwpPage 267
Schepmann, MichaelUpper TwpPage 175
Scherdeser, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 258
Schruyden, BarneyWashington TwpPage 293
Scoctana, RobertUpper TwpPage 212
Scorill, CurtisUnion TwpPage 48
Scot, WinfieldUpper TwpPage 162
Scott, ElizabethUnion TwpPage 68
Scott, George W.Union TwpPage 68
Scott, J.A.Upper TwpPage 173
Scott, PerryUpper TwpPage 172
Scott, PeylonUpper TwpPage 170
Scott, RobertRome TwpPage 85
Scott, UriFayette TwpPage 36
Seafon, Z.R.Windsor TwpPage 152
Seagen, Frank A.Upper TwpPage 177
Seal, JohnUpper TwpPage 214
Sealey, ElizabethRome TwpPage 80
Sear, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 260
Sears, EllenUpper TwpPage 185
Sears, TheadoreUpper TwpPage 182
Seavour, AdamUpper TwpPage 217
Secrest, CatherineDecatur TwpPage 275
Secrist, JamesPerry TwpPage 2
Sectise, WilliamDecatur TwpPage 274
Seeling, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 256
Seely, BoudenotDecatur TwpPage 276
Seensford, HiramFayette TwpPage 32
Sefard, CharlesWashington TwpPage 292
Selfridge, C.W.Elizabeth TwpPage 259
Selis, ElizabethUnion TwpPage 54
Sennell, JohnUpper TwpPage 202
Serling, ConnottUpper TwpPage 216
Sesher, JohnHamilton TwpPage 226
Seurter, CarterWashington TwpPage 291
Sevan, SamuelRome TwpPage 78
Several, JamesUpper TwpPage 191
Severnfy, IsabellaElizabeth TwpPage 245
Sexton, AleyHamilton TwpPage 230
Seymons, James S.Rome TwpPage 71
Shackleford, E.J.Elizabeth TwpPage 255
Shackley, Eliza J.Windsor TwpPage 157
Shacmate, SilasMason TwpPage 108
Shaeffer, AlbertAid TwpPage 121
Shaeffer, CelestiaAid TwpPage 121
Shafer, AnhurstLawrence TwpPage 44
Shafer, CatharineDecatur TwpPage 275
Shafer, CatherineWindsor TwpPage 152
Shafer, ConradMason TwpPage 100
Shafer, EdwinPerry TwpPage 1
Shafer, JamesMason TwpPage 94
Shafer, JohnHamilton TwpPage 237
Shafer, JohnMason TwpPage 91
Shafer, MargaretFayette TwpPage 27
Shafer, PeterDecatur TwpPage 276
Shafer, SamuelMason TwpPage 94
Shaffer, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 263
Shaffer, StephenElizabeth TwpPage 270
Shagler, KoonradMason TwpPage 95
Shannon, MichaelElizabeth TwpPage 245
Share, George G.Upper TwpPage 205
Sharkey, NealUpper TwpPage 171
Sharp, AndrewAid TwpPage 129
Sharp, AndrewWashington TwpPage 294
Sharp, BeverlyAid TwpPage 112
Sharp, ElizabethLawrence TwpPage 39
Sharp, EllenUpper TwpPage 218
Sharp, JamesUpper TwpPage 199
Sharp, JohnAid TwpPage 125
Sharp, MatildaLawrence TwpPage 44
Sharp, MichaelUpper TwpPage 177
Shattuck, MarthaWindsor TwpPage 141
Shattuck, Simion H.Aid TwpPage 113
Shaun, William B.Washington TwpPage 287
Shaup, JohnUpper TwpPage 189
Shaw, James S.Rome TwpPage 83
Shaw, LeviMason TwpPage 94
Shaw, SalemRome TwpPage 79
Shcroft, SmithUpper TwpPage 162
Sheaford, LewisUpper TwpPage 177
Shear, PeterElizabeth TwpPage 249
Shearer, JosephDecatur TwpPage 275
Sheaser, MichaelUpper TwpPage 177
Sheets, JeremiahWindsor TwpPage 155
Sheets, MaryElizabeth TwpPage 264
Sheets, MichaelUpper TwpPage 180
Shellow, ReederUpper TwpPage 175
Shelton, Arena J.Mason TwpPage 104
Shelton, EdwardFayette TwpPage 30
Shelton, ElizabethUpper TwpPage 199
Shelton, WilliamFayette TwpPage 18
Shenermann, ValentineDecatur TwpPage 280
Sheneust, FrankUpper TwpPage 170
Shepard, CharltonHamilton TwpPage 236
Shepard, Joseph A.Fayette TwpPage 36
Shepard, LydiaRome TwpPage 86
Shepard, MaryUpper TwpPage 174
Sheppard, AlexHamilton TwpPage 229
Sherdon, OwenUpper TwpPage 193
Sherer, PeterUpper TwpPage 170
Sheridan, NicholAid TwpPage 111
Sherman, J.A.Upper TwpPage 220
Sherman, JesseUpper TwpPage 220
Sherman, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 271
Sherman, JohnUpper TwpPage 174
Shetton, AlonzoDecatur TwpPage 283
Shetton, MinervaElizabeth TwpPage 262
Shibet, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 254
Shilling, PeterDecatur TwpPage 282
Shimk, CharlesUpper TwpPage 223
Shinton, ThomasMason TwpPage 103
Shipton, J.P.Upper TwpPage 165
Shipton, MaryUpper TwpPage 219
Shipton, RobertUpper TwpPage 219
Shirkey, GranburgRome TwpPage 80
Shite, ChristianElizabeth TwpPage 264
Shitlatch, GeorgeDecatur TwpPage 276
Shitts, AndrewWashington TwpPage 284
Shocmote, AgnesMason TwpPage 107
Shoddey, WashingtonUpper TwpPage 210
Shon, DanielWashington TwpPage 287
Shope, CatherineHamilton TwpPage 224
Shope, JamesDecatur TwpPage 276
Shope, MargaretDecatur TwpPage 276
Shope, Mary J.Symmes TwpPage 135
Shore, RobertUpper TwpPage 209
Short, ChristianUpper TwpPage 204
Short, DanielWashington TwpPage 293
Short, DavidWindsor TwpPage 153
Short, DrewWindsor TwpPage 153
Short, LeanderAid TwpPage 124
Short, Lydia A.Decatur TwpPage 274
Short, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 271
Shoup, JohnUpper TwpPage 180
Showman, LorenzoAid TwpPage 125
Shrop, CelastianUpper TwpPage 205
Shuff, Ellen M.Elizabeth TwpPage 247
Shuff, MargaretElizabeth TwpPage 247
Shuff, SmithHamilton TwpPage 233
Shulen, WolfPerry TwpPage 13
Shumate, ElijahAid TwpPage 118
Shumate, EllenAid TwpPage 121
Shute, James G.Fayette TwpPage 32
Shute, John E.Perry TwpPage 13
Sideis, JohnSymmes TwpPage 131
Sikes, ChristopherPerry TwpPage 1
Silbaugh, WilliamUpper TwpPage 216
Sillabough, JacobUpper TwpPage 216
Silverthorn, AgnesWindsor TwpPage 148
Silverthorn, PhebeFayette TwpPage 19
Simanon, JosephineUpper TwpPage 167
Simes, DanielRome TwpPage 77
Simes, J.L.H.Rome TwpPage 76
Simmons, C.W.Windsor TwpPage 143
Simmons, DaveWindsor TwpPage 148
Simmons, MichaelWindsor TwpPage 151
Simon, JohnUpper TwpPage 170
Simonton, WilliamWashington TwpPage 284
Simpsen, IsraelWindsor TwpPage 159
Simpson, DavidPerry TwpPage 3
Simpson, Thomas H.Windsor TwpPage 156
Sindler, MaryWashington TwpPage 286
Sine, GeorgeMason TwpPage 106
Singer, BurrelElizabeth TwpPage 266
Singer, George W.Elizabeth TwpPage 266
Singer, SheldonElizabeth TwpPage 266
Sinnett, ElizaUpper TwpPage 186
Siron, RobertElizabeth TwpPage 264
Sirus, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 257
Sites, Andrew J.Fayette TwpPage 25
Sites, CorneliusUnion TwpPage 55
Skelton, IreneUpper TwpPage 167
Skelton, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 263
Skelton, MaryUpper TwpPage 207
Slarens, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 256
Slater, FrancesElizabeth TwpPage 238
Slater, HannahWashington TwpPage 295
Slater, JohnAid TwpPage 115
Slater, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 238
Slator, CharlesWashington TwpPage 285
Slaughter, MartinPerry TwpPage 16
Slavens, LauraDecatur TwpPage 276
Sleeter, AlbertElizabeth TwpPage 249
Slepman, MichaelUpper TwpPage 188
Slerkman, JosephUpper TwpPage 203
Sloan, E.C.Upper TwpPage 173
Sloan, P.P.Upper TwpPage 209
Slytes, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 253
Small, AlbertFayette TwpPage 34
Small, HenryMason TwpPage 101
Smalley, JohnPerry TwpPage 16
Smart, AnnaHamilton TwpPage 229
Smart, JosephHamilton TwpPage 232
Smartwood, E.E.Windsor TwpPage 157
Smidt, WilliamUpper TwpPage 208
Smihilburn, CenrollUnion TwpPage 65
Smiot, JohnDecatur TwpPage 279
Smith, AbrahamRome TwpPage 68
Smith, AbramDecatur TwpPage 278
Smith, AbramUnion TwpPage 63
Smith, AdalphusElizabeth TwpPage 269
Smith, AmbroseFayette TwpPage 23
Smith, AndrewAid TwpPage 128
Smith, Andrew J.Union TwpPage 61
Smith, ArchibaldAid TwpPage 128
Smith, Asa S.Upper TwpPage 165
Smith, BenjaminUpper TwpPage 219
Smith, BenjaminUpper TwpPage 200
Smith, BenjaminRome TwpPage 69
Smith, BirdUpper TwpPage 167
Smith, CalvinUnion TwpPage 56
Smith, ConrallUnion TwpPage 48
Smith, CornelusHamilton TwpPage 231
Smith, DavidMason TwpPage 99
Smith, DavidRome TwpPage 79
Smith, ElizabethElizabeth TwpPage 270
Smith, ElizabethHamilton TwpPage 226
Smith, FrancesUpper TwpPage 182
Smith, FrancesWashington TwpPage 294
Smith, HenryUpper TwpPage 191
Smith, HiramWindsor TwpPage 148
Smith, IsaacUpper TwpPage 190
Smith, IsaacUpper TwpPage 201
Smith, IsaacUpper TwpPage 208
Smith, J.C.Upper TwpPage 201
Smith, JamesUpper TwpPage 197
Smith, JamesUpper TwpPage 194
Smith, JamesWashington TwpPage 295
Smith, JamesWashington TwpPage 294
Smith, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 243
Smith, Jane H.Mason TwpPage 93
Smith, JerryRome TwpPage 79
Smith, JohnDecatur TwpPage 280
Smith, JohnMason TwpPage 90
Smith, JohnFayette TwpPage 31
Smith, JohnHamilton TwpPage 233
Smith, JohnUpper TwpPage 164
Smith, JohnWashington TwpPage 295
Smith, JohnWashington TwpPage 289
Smith, John K.Upper TwpPage 200
Smith, JosephDecatur TwpPage 278
Smith, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 253
Smith, Joseph A.Rome TwpPage 70
Smith, Joseph B.Windsor TwpPage 140
Smith, LewisElizabeth TwpPage 270
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