Lawrence County Ohio 1860 Census Index “P”

Submitted by Shirley Reed

Paden, CharlesUpper TwpPage 469
Paden, EllenUnion TwpPage 391
Paim, Thomas J.Elizabeth TwpPage 321
Palmer, AmosElizabeth TwpPage 313
Palmer, ElizabethUpper TwpPage 456
Palmer, JamesUpper TwpPage 465
Pancake, AbramLawrence TwpPage 430
Pancake, AndrewUpper TwpPage 474
Pancake, IsaacLawrence TwpPage 430
Pancake, JohnLawrence TwpPage 431
Pancake, JosephLawrence TwpPage 430
Pancake, LucindaLawrence TwpPage 430
Parker, BenjaminUnion TwpPage 393
Parker, FrederickRome TwpPage 416
Parker, JesseUpper TwpPage 458
Parker, L. D.Rome TwpPage 416
Parker, SamuelRome TwpPage 419
Parkerson, MosesWashington TwpPage 337
Parrons, CharlesMason TwpPage 357
Parsons, A. G.Upper TwpPage 457
Parsons, JosephAid TwpPage 354
Parsons, Sally G.Aid TwpPage 355
Parthoff, DavidElizabeth TwpPage 315
Partlow, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 305
Parton, JacksonElizabeth TwpPage 306
Parton, WashingtonElizabeth TwpPage 307
Passons, JohnFayette TwpPage 444
Patra, MarianAid TwpPage 354
Patra, MartinAid TwpPage 353
Patterson, BerryPerry TwpPage 380
Patterson, GeorgeRome TwpPage 413
Patterson, JamesRome TwpPage 414
Patterson, MargaretWashington TwpPage 344
Patterson, MaryWashington TwpPage 344
Patterson, RobertWashington TwpPage 343
Patterson, SarahPerry TwpPage 380
Patton, C.Elizabeth TwpPage 305
Patton, WilliamDecatur TwpPage 334
Patts, WilliamWashington TwpPage 338
Paul, George W.Upper TwpPage 472
Paul, RodWindsor TwpPage 407
Payne, AmillyMason TwpPage 368
Payne, EllisMason TwpPage 368
Payne, JohnDecatur TwpPage 329
Payne, JosephUnion TwpPage 391
Payne, MarthaMason TwpPage 367
Payne, MiltonMason TwpPage 357
Payne, MosesMason TwpPage 367
Payne, Sarah J.Mason TwpPage 367
Payne, UriahMason TwpPage 96
Payne, WilliamUnion TwpPage 394
Payton, CostheneAid TwpPage 346
Payton, IsaacAid TwpPage 346
Payton, JohnAid TwpPage 346
Payton, John A.Aid TwpPage 347
Payton, NathanAid TwpPage 346
Payton, SarahElizabeth TwpPage 321
Payton, WilliamAid TwpPage 350
Payton, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 319
Peebles, John G.Elizabeth TwpPage 293
Peebles, Joseph S.Upper TwpPage 467
Peebles, WilliamFayette TwpPage 437
Pemberton, GeorgePerry TwpPage 380
Pemberton, JamesLawrence TwpPage 433
Pemberton, JohnWindsor TwpPage 405
Pemberton, JosephFayette TwpPage 446
Pemberton, PerlinaFayette TwpPage 447
Pemberton, RichardLawrence TwpPage 433
Pemberton, WilliamFayette TwpPage 435
Pendleton, DanielPerry TwpPage 377
Pendleton, LucindaPerry TwpPage 377
Penkerman, CharlesWindsor TwpPage 401
Penrod, JaocbDecatur TwpPage 326
Perce, WilliamAid TwpPage 347
Perdue, StephenPerry TwpPage 373
Perkins, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 314
Perkins, JohnUpper TwpPage 459
Perkins, SamuelWindsor TwpPage 399
Perkins, WilliamWindsor TwpPage 403
Perris, JosephUnion TwpPage 387
Perry, LinseyUpper TwpPage 477
Peters, JohnWashington TwpPage 343
Peters, MansfieldUnion TwpPage 391
Peters, SeldenUnion TwpPage 392
Peters, TursyUnion TwpPage 384
Pethod, ThomasDecatur TwpPage 328
Petry, St ClairMason TwpPage 359
Petter, MichaelPerry TwpPage 376
Pettil, ThomasLawrence TwpPage 432
Phelps, JamesUpper TwpPage 459
Phey, EdwardUnion TwpPage 382
Philip, HenryDecatur TwpPage 335
Philips, AbnerWashington TwpPage 342
Philips, JohnUpper TwpPage 469
Philips, Jose M.Washington TwpPage 338
Philips, Mary J.Upper TwpPage 477
Phillips, HiramElizabeth TwpPage 303
Philps, AbramUpper TwpPage 476
Pickfor, WilliamDecatur TwpPage 335
Pierce, JamesUpper TwpPage 451
Pierce, JohnRome TwpPage 411
Pierpoint, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 318
Pierpoint, LarkinElizabeth TwpPage 318
Pierpont, FrancisElizabeth TwpPage 320
Pigman, JamesFayette TwpPage 436
Pigman, JohnFayette TwpPage 436
Pigman, JohnUnion TwpPage 391
Pigman, WilliamUnion TwpPage 386
Piles, WilbertAid TwpPage 349
Pine, JacobWindsor TwpPage 408
Pine, JohnWindsor TwpPage 408
Pinkerham, EliasWindsor TwpPage 400
Pinkerham, NancyWindsor TwpPage 401
Pinkerman, JaneWindsor TwpPage 401
Pinkerman, Mary A.Windsor TwpPage 401
Pinkerman, WilliamWindsor TwpPage 401
Pitney, LeviUpper TwpPage 452
Place, Jhon T.Upper TwpPage 456
Platt, GeorgeUpper TwpPage 477
Platt, HelenUpper TwpPage 478
Playhorn, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 301
Poag, JamesAid TwpPage 351
Pobush, MaryWindsor TwpPage 401
Poitchard, ElizabethRome TwpPage 410
Pollock, RobertElizabeth TwpPage 321
Pollock, SamuelElizabeth TwpPage 321
Polly, DugPerry TwpPage 375
Polly, Pierce R.Elizabeth TwpPage 308
Pool, GeorgeElizabeth TwpPage 308
Pope, DavidFayette TwpPage 438
Pope, ElizabethFayette TwpPage 437
Popsted, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 314
Porter, AdalineUpper TwpPage 463
Porter, AndrewUnion TwpPage 386
Porter, CalvinAid TwpPage 353
Porter, DianaUnion TwpPage 390
Porter, George R.Elizabeth TwpPage 307
Porter, IsamWashington TwpPage 338
Porter, JamesUpper TwpPage 474
Porter, JeremiahFayette TwpPage 440
Porter, JoshuaUnion TwpPage 389
Posture, AugustusUpper TwpPage 463
Pouel, JacobMason TwpPage 357
Pouel, WilliamWindsor TwpPage 398
Powel, HenryAid TwpPage 347
Powel, ThomasRome TwpPage 417
Powell, CotenDecatur TwpPage 329
Powell, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 308
Powell, MaryElizabeth TwpPage 308
Power, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 298
Powers, JohnSymmes TwpPage 425
Prass, John W.Symmes TwpPage 423
Prater, JohnUnion TwpPage 383
Prater, PollyUnion TwpPage 383
Pratt, ClarkFayette TwpPage 444
Pratt, ElizabethElizabeth TwpPage 302
Pratt, ElizabethElizabeth TwpPage 303
Pratt, JoshuaWindsor TwpPage 406
Pratt, Mary M.Fayette TwpPage 445
Preston, SamuelDecatur TwpPage 330
Price, Mary A.Lawrence TwpPage 429
Price, RichardUnion TwpPage 395
Price, SimonFayette TwpPage 440
Pricket, AdamElizabeth TwpPage 300
Priet, AllenUpper TwpPage 471
Prilley, AnnaUpper TwpPage 472
Prilley, DavisUpper TwpPage 472
Pringle, JohnUpper TwpPage 467
Pritchard, EleanorRome TwpPage 411
Pritchard, FrancesRome TwpPage 411
Pritchard, MercyRome TwpPage 410
Priw, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 321
Procter, NathanUnion TwpPage 389
Proctor, JacobUnion TwpPage 394
Proctor, StephenUnion TwpPage 394
Proctor, ThomasUnion TwpPage 394
Protchard, Z.Rome TwpPage 410
Pruct, JacksonUpper TwpPage 471
Pruct, James K.Upper TwpPage 471
Purdy, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 303
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