Lawrence County Ohio 1860 Census Index “H-I”

Submitted by Shirley Reed

Habbs, Eliza J.Upper TwpPage 202
Hack, JosephUpper TwpPage 192
Hack, WilliamUpper TwpPage 192
Hacker, NaurahElizabeth TwpPage 266
Hackworth, JessieLawrence TwpPage 46
Hackworth, Thomas J.Perry TwpPage 5
Hady, MartinUpper TwpPage 163
Haehesang, JosephUpper TwpPage 163
Hagely, Marg A.Rome TwpPage 75
Hagely, PollyRome TwpPage 69
Hageman, JohnUnion TwpPage 50
Hagman, KatherinaFayette TwpPage 21
Hagnes, ElizabethUnion TwpPage 50
Hailes, JosephPerry TwpPage 2
Hailes, SilusLawrence TwpPage 42
Hairbrown, GeorgeElizabeth TwpPage 250
Hait, DavidUpper TwpPage 220
Halderby, WilliamWindsor TwpPage 145
Haley, JamesWashington TwpPage 293
Haley, MargaretUpper TwpPage 191
Haley, PatUpper TwpPage 196
Hall, BenoneLawrence TwpPage 43
Hall, Canan B.Rome TwpPage 86
Hall, Charles H.Rome TwpPage 68
Hall, ClaybornHamilton TwpPage 235
Hall, CornillusFayette TwpPage 33
Hall, FrancisPerry TwpPage 5
Hall, IsabellElizabeth TwpPage 250
Hall, JamesAid TwpPage 122
Hall, JamesHamilton TwpPage 233
Hall, JamesUpper TwpPage 168
Hall, JohnPerry TwpPage 3
Hall, JoshuaSymmes TwpPage 132
Hall, LeviRome TwpPage 70
Hall, LewisLawrence TwpPage 43
Hall, Lucy A.Lawrence TwpPage 47
Hall, MartinLawrence TwpPage 45
Hall, MaryUpper TwpPage 181
Hall, NewburyWL TwpPage 307
Hall, Peter C.Upper TwpPage 191
Hall, PriceUpper TwpPage 211
Hall, RobertRome TwpPage 71
Hall, WalterSymmes TwpPage 130
Hall, WesleyRome TwpPage 69
Hall, WilliamMason TwpPage 106
Hall, WilliamFayette TwpPage 27
Hall, WilliamHamilton TwpPage 233
Hall, William D.Rome TwpPage 71
Hall, ZachariahHamilton TwpPage 233
Hallaran, ThomasUpper TwpPage 195
Hallarbrand, JohnUpper TwpPage 195
Hallby, King A.Fayette TwpPage 28
Hallenbeck, LamsenWindsor TwpPage 144
Halley, SamuelFayette TwpPage 23
Halley, WilliamFayette TwpPage 23
Hallich, Hiram H.Union TwpPage 56
Hallich, SarahUnion TwpPage 56
Hallis, Anthony L.Mason TwpPage 91
Halrozie, WilliamUnion TwpPage 58
Ham, M.C.Decatur TwpPage 276
Hamar, AugustDecatur TwpPage 279
Hambleton, JamesMason TwpPage 95
Hambleton, JoshuaUpper TwpPage 191
Hamelton, George W.Upper TwpPage 183
Hamelton, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 244
Hamers, SamuelWashington TwpPage 286
Hamilton, Eliza J.Upper TwpPage 181
Hamilton, GeorgePerry TwpPage 10
Hamilton, JamesUnion TwpPage 51
Hamilton, RobertHamilton TwpPage 224
Hamilton, RubenFayette TwpPage 19
Hamilton, WilliamUpper TwpPage 174
Hamlin, ClohmanUnion TwpPage 58
Hamlin, EmilyUnion TwpPage 65
Hamlin, FulizzusUpper TwpPage 165
Hamlin, JohnUnion TwpPage 64
Hamlin, LavinaWindsor TwpPage 148
Hamlin, McThomasUnion TwpPage 58
Hamlin, WilliamUnion TwpPage 65
Hamliss, PeterUnion TwpPage 56
Hamliton, R.R.Hamilton TwpPage 237
Hammond, RachelPerry TwpPage 4
Hammond, SolomonPerry TwpPage 3
Hammond, ThomasPerry TwpPage 4
Hamoc, SarahRome TwpPage 80
Hampstiss, Charles W.Upper TwpPage 180
Hams, J.B.C.Upper TwpPage 191
Hanan, Joseph T.Union TwpPage 67
Hance, GordenWindsor TwpPage 158
Hancy, JosephPerry TwpPage 14
Hand, William L.Upper TwpPage 182
Hanen, James O.Upper TwpPage 198
Haner, FredericMason TwpPage 103
Haner, LewisMason TwpPage 103
Haney, BenjaminUpper TwpPage 211
Haney, SarahUpper TwpPage 194
Hanks, CalebFayette TwpPage 20
Hanley, AsrahUpper TwpPage 221
Hanley, ChristopherSymmes TwpPage 138
Hanley, ConstantineSymmes TwpPage 135
Hanley, ElizabethSymmes TwpPage 138
Hanley, Ewell M.K.Symmes TwpPage 136
Hanley, K.K.Decatur TwpPage 283
Hanley, KatherineMason TwpPage 94
Hanley, LoganSymmes TwpPage 135
Hanley, SusanUpper TwpPage 218
Hanly, IsaacFayette TwpPage 30
Hanna, MarshawUnion TwpPage 50
Hannon, EliasElizabeth TwpPage 263
Hannon, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 243
Hannon, LauwiaElizabeth TwpPage 246
Hannon, Mary AnnUpper TwpPage 195
Hannon, RichardElizabeth TwpPage 246
Hansen, WilliamUpper TwpPage 212
Hansen, WilliamUnion TwpPage 51
Hanskin, GeorgeFayette TwpPage 26
Harbolt, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 269
Harbolt, John H.Elizabeth TwpPage 269
Harbon, JacobWashington TwpPage 285
Hard, WilliamUpper TwpPage 210
Harden, WilliamUpper TwpPage 206
Hardway, FrederickUpper TwpPage 190
Hardy, Ann ElizaUnion TwpPage 57
Hardy, BartleyUnion TwpPage 58
Hardy, GeorgeUnion TwpPage 58
Hardy, K.G.Upper TwpPage 202
Hardy, SamuelUpper TwpPage 220
Hardy, WilliamUnion TwpPage 59
Hardy, William H.Union TwpPage 67
Hardy, WinchesterUnion TwpPage 58
Harless, JamesSymmes TwpPage 129
Harless, John E.Windsor TwpPage 152
Harless, MichaelAid TwpPage 118
Harly, LucindaUnion TwpPage 66
Harman, DavidWindsor TwpPage 152
Harman, John M.Lawrence TwpPage 43
Harman, MargaretMason TwpPage 96
Harmer, MaryHamilton TwpPage 228
Harmon, EliMason TwpPage 100
Harmon, GeorgeMason TwpPage 100
Harner, AndrewUpper TwpPage 217
Harnicus, CommcoorWashington TwpPage 286
Harpa, MargarettUpper TwpPage 172
Harper, JaneUpper TwpPage 171
Harris, AdamWashington TwpPage 290
Harris, CorneliusWashington TwpPage 290
Harris, E.M.Upper TwpPage 168
Harris, ElizabethElizabeth TwpPage 249
Harris, KatharinFayette TwpPage 33
Harris, LeviFayette TwpPage 29
Harris, PenelopeFayette TwpPage 29
Harris, RichardRome TwpPage 86
Harris, RichardUpper TwpPage 164
Harris, SolomonUpper TwpPage 221
Harrison, CreedMason TwpPage 95
Harrison, F.M.Elizabeth TwpPage 242
Harrison, LewisAid TwpPage 128
Harry, ElizaUpper TwpPage 167
Hart, DavidElizabeth TwpPage 264
Hartler, AmandaUpper TwpPage 207
Hartman, FredElizabeth TwpPage 268
Hartman, RobertElizabeth TwpPage 263
Hartsac, ChristenaFayette TwpPage 24
Harvey, DavidHamilton TwpPage 225
Harvey, JamesUpper TwpPage 212
Harvey, MaryUpper TwpPage 181
Haseneur, ChristianUpper TwpPage 162
Hasford, SarahUpper TwpPage 198
Haskall, ElizaUpper TwpPage 181
Haskins, Delpha A.Union TwpPage 58
Haskins, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 245
Haskins, Thomas S.Mason TwpPage 96
Haskins, W.Upper TwpPage 180
Haskins, WilliamMason TwpPage 99
Haskins, WilliamMason TwpPage 95
Hasley, JohnUpper TwpPage 196
Hassbrick, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 259
Hassey, BridgetUpper TwpPage 170
Hastings, AlfredPerry TwpPage 15
Hastings, JohnUpper TwpPage 169
Hastings, SimeonUpper TwpPage 202
Hastings, ThomasPerry TwpPage 12
Hatches, JohnPerry TwpPage 1
Hate, EbenezerUpper TwpPage 199
Hatfield, HenryAid TwpPage 127
Hatfield, Henry W.Aid TwpPage 123
Hatfield, NancyMason TwpPage 213
Hath, JamesUpper TwpPage 213
Hathaway, ShadrackWashington TwpPage 305
Hathorn, Henry W.Union TwpPage 59
Hatten, JamesDecatur TwpPage 281
Hatten, RobertUpper TwpPage 187
Hatterman, CatherineDecatur TwpPage 274
Hatts, MikeElizabeth TwpPage 256
Haukins, LucindaAid TwpPage 111
Haurlin, CharlesHamilton TwpPage 223
Haward, JosephRome TwpPage 83
Hawe, LottaUpper TwpPage 218
Hawe, LottaUpper TwpPage 217
Hawkins, ElizabethWashington TwpPage 289
Hawkins, JohnWashington TwpPage 288
Hawkins, MonsWashington TwpPage 289
Hawkins, SimonFayette TwpPage 28
Hawkins, WilliamPerry TwpPage 10
Hawley, C.S.Upper TwpPage 207
Hay, JacobWindsor TwpPage 148
Hay, James W.Windsor TwpPage 146
Hayes, FrederichUnion TwpPage 59
Hayes, SalomonUnion TwpPage 59
Hayman, AlexFayette TwpPage 21
Hays, ElizabethWindsor TwpPage 151
Hays, EllenUpper TwpPage 207
Hays, EnochWindsor TwpPage 147
Hays, JohnUpper TwpPage 184
Hazeman, John L.Mason TwpPage 94
Haznes, MoresUpper TwpPage 165
Hearmpsted, G.S.B.Hamilton TwpPage 229
Hearmpsted, Samuel B.Hamilton TwpPage 229
Heay, WilliamUpper TwpPage 205
Hebbasa, George B.Elizabeth TwpPage 270
Heck, JohnMason TwpPage 91
Hecks, JesseFayette TwpPage 27
Hedding, IsaacWashington TwpPage 289
Heffner, JacobUnion TwpPage 65
Heffner, JohnUnion TwpPage 51
Heidnon, W.K.Hamilton TwpPage 229
Helverson, HenryWindsor TwpPage 46
Helvey, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 259
Hendersen, JohnUnion TwpPage 61
Hendersen, ThomasRome TwpPage 84
Hendersen, WilliamUnion TwpPage 61
Henderson, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 262
Henderson, JamesRome TwpPage 83
Henderson, JeffersonUpper TwpPage 199
Henderson, ThomasHamilton TwpPage 227
Henderson, WilliamHamilton TwpPage 228
Heneger, BarbaraFayette TwpPage 27
Heneger, BarbaraFayette TwpPage 26
Heneger, BarbaraFayette TwpPage 26
Henekens, JohnDecatur TwpPage 276
Hennigar, FrederickElizabeth TwpPage 272
Henniger, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 269
Henry, Abram B.Perry TwpPage 3
Henry, CassieUpper TwpPage 192
Henry, Eliza P.Upper TwpPage 191
Henry, IsaiahHamilton TwpPage 236
Henry, James M.Upper TwpPage 182
Henry, John G.Upper TwpPage 192
Henry, JosephineElizabeth TwpPage 259
Henry, LeviUpper TwpPage 198
Henry, MorrisUpper TwpPage 223
Henry, PatrickHamilton TwpPage 236
Henry, S.W.Upper TwpPage 204
Henry, W.K.Upper TwpPage 180
Hensleaw, JuliaUpper TwpPage 193
Herdman, WilliamHamilton TwpPage 227
Hernderson, WilliamRome TwpPage 84
Hernestern, JacobElizabeth TwpPage 265
Herrington, JohnHamilton TwpPage 232
Herrington, ThomasHamilton TwpPage 233
Herron, HendersonFayette TwpPage 26
Herry, William C.Upper TwpPage 176
Hert, AugustWashington TwpPage 288
Heseler, SalomonRome TwpPage 81
Heskins, JamesWindsor TwpPage 146
Hesson, SamuelWindsor TwpPage 147
Heuthorn, James W.Upper TwpPage 215
Hibberland, JacobUpper TwpPage 217
Hibberland, W.J.Upper TwpPage 217
Hibeson, CatharineUpper TwpPage 166
Hibler, AlvinHamilton TwpPage 225
Hice, LewisFayette TwpPage 22
Hickeman, PleasantFayette TwpPage 19
Hickembattom, RobertUnion TwpPage 64
Hicks, CharlesUnion TwpPage 48
Higgens, MargretMason TwpPage 92
Higgin, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 258
Higgins, ThomasMason TwpPage 102
Higgins, WilliamHamilton TwpPage 227
Hilbert, August H.Aid TwpPage 118
Hilburn, JamesUpper TwpPage 175
Hilger, ValentineDecatur TwpPage 281
Hill, JohnLawrence TwpPage 39
Hill, NancyPerry TwpPage 15
Hillam, PeterUpper TwpPage 222
Hilliava, ValentineDecatur TwpPage 281
Hiner, GeorgeUpper TwpPage 209
Hines, LucretiaAid TwpPage 113
Hiney, JohnDecatur TwpPage 275
Hinkle, LoisUnion TwpPage 54
Hinton, MaryAid TwpPage 123
Hirning, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 256
Hisbold, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 257
Hixson, BenjaminSymmes TwpPage 130
Hobble, EdwardSymmes TwpPage 138
Hobble, JacobSymmes TwpPage 136
Hobble, WilliamSymmes TwpPage 132
Hobbleston, HermanUnion TwpPage 54
Hodge, WilliamDecatur TwpPage 283
Hoffman, AlbertFayette TwpPage 29
Hoffman, AlbertFayette TwpPage 29
Hoffman, AsaUnion TwpPage 50
Hoffman, FloydFayette TwpPage 22
Hoffman, FrederickDecatur TwpPage 278
Hoffman, Lewis F.Fayette TwpPage 29
Hoffman, PeterDecatur TwpPage 280
Hoffman, PeterDecatur TwpPage 277
Hoffman, RobertElizabeth TwpPage 249
Hoffman, S.J.Upper TwpPage 166
Hoffmann, JamesUpper TwpPage 206
Hofner, DavisUnion TwpPage 47
Hogan, MaryUpper TwpPage 198
Hogan, PatElizabeth TwpPage 270
Hogan, PhilipRome TwpPage 86
Hogans, JamesRome TwpPage 86
Hogans, ThomasRome TwpPage 88
Hogshead, C.P.Hamilton TwpPage 228
Hold, TinsleyUpper TwpPage 211
Holderby, Abner P.Windsor TwpPage 195
Holderby, William P.Windsor TwpPage 146
Hole, J.N.Washington TwpPage 287
Hollance, JaneUnion TwpPage 51
Holland, LauraRome TwpPage 83
Holland, LeviUnion TwpPage 49
Holland, MinervaUnion TwpPage 64
Holland, Stephen R.Union TwpPage 60
Hollar, HenryWashington TwpPage 295
Hollen, JohnWindsor TwpPage 150
Holliday, HenryUpper TwpPage 219
Holliday, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 263
Holliday, JohnUpper TwpPage 167
Holliday, MaryUpper TwpPage 214
Holliday, Rebecca F.Perry TwpPage 3
Hollinghut, M.Hamilton TwpPage 228
Hollingsworth, H.Washington TwpPage 326
Holly, EliasDecatur TwpPage 279
Holt, GuilfordUpper TwpPage 163
Holt, MaryUpper TwpPage 164
Holt, NathanielHamilton TwpPage 236
Holyrod, AllenRome TwpPage 73
Homer, ElizabethElizabeth TwpPage 263
Hone, DavidFayette TwpPage 32
Hook, EliasDecatur TwpPage 275
Hoops, JohnRome TwpPage 88
Hoops, VincentRome TwpPage 80
Hoover, ClementDecatur TwpPage 281
Hoover, Frances B.Elizabeth TwpPage 258
Hoover, JamesWashington TwpPage 296
Hopkens, HowellUpper TwpPage 176
Hopkins, D.W.Upper TwpPage 208
Hopkins, DavidUpper TwpPage 188
Hopkins, DavidUpper TwpPage 176
Hopkins, HannahWashington TwpPage 292
Hopkins, JohnUpper TwpPage 188
Hopkins, MargaretUpper TwpPage 192
Hopkins, Robert L.Upper TwpPage 163
Hopstetter, AdamDecatur TwpPage 279
Hopwood, JamesWindsor TwpPage 150
Horas, Frances M.Elizabeth TwpPage 269
Horn, HenryUpper TwpPage 178
Hornbuckle, FrancesUpper TwpPage 220
Horning, ChrisUpper TwpPage 219
Horwoods, JamesWindsor TwpPage 160
Hosey, William H. Elizabeth TwpPage 262
Hott, AlbertUpper TwpPage 173
Hott, JohnWashington TwpPage 291
Hott, MichaelWashington TwpPage 291
Housen, AliceUpper TwpPage 191
Howard, DanielHamilton TwpPage 234
Howard, DavidUnion TwpPage 61
Howard, HannahUnion TwpPage 60
Howard, JamesUpper TwpPage 168
Howard, MarthaWindsor TwpPage 151
Howard, Mary E.Aid TwpPage 124
Howard, MichaelAid TwpPage 121
Howard, Silas E.Union TwpPage 60
Howard, TerinaLawrence TwpPage 42
Howe, SamuelElizabeth TwpPage 269
Howel, BenjaminUpper TwpPage 217
Howel, John F.Upper TwpPage 217
Howell, DanielFayette TwpPage 34
Howell, DavidWashington TwpPage 289
Howell, JohnFayette TwpPage 27
Howell, SophiaUpper TwpPage 162
Hudson, JohnHamilton TwpPage 226
Hudson, MaryHamilton TwpPage 227
Huey, JohnWashington TwpPage 286
Huff, FrancisUnion TwpPage 50
Huff, John A.Union TwpPage 48
Huff, MichaelElizabeth TwpPage 259
Huff, RobertUnion TwpPage 49
Huff, RosannaUnion TwpPage 49
Huffman, AaronHamilton TwpPage 230
Huffman, AllenElizabeth TwpPage 255
Huffman, GeorgeWindsor TwpPage 150
Huffman, IsabelleHamilton TwpPage 226
Huffman, LewisHamilton TwpPage 228
Huffmann, JosephWashington TwpPage 293
Huggins, Eliza A.Aid TwpPage 114
Huggins, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 262
Huggins, ThomasSymmes TwpPage 132
Huggins, William A.Symmes TwpPage 132
Hughey, Betsey A.Windsor TwpPage 158
Hughs, AnsasimPerry TwpPage 9
Hughs, CharlottePerry TwpPage 9
Hughs, DavidElizabeth TwpPage 250
Hughs, DennisUpper TwpPage 217
Hughs, EdwardElizabeth TwpPage 245
Hughs, JohnUpper TwpPage 177
Hughs, JonathanPerry TwpPage 15
Hull, NicholasMason TwpPage 98
Hulley, M.A.Upper TwpPage 184
Humble, H.Upper TwpPage 209
Humphreys, SarahUpper TwpPage 181
Humphreys, Thomas S.Lawrence TwpPage 43
Hunper, GeorgeElizabeth TwpPage 241
Hunt, AndersonAid TwpPage 115
Hunt, AndrewWindsor TwpPage 151
Hunt, GriffinWindsor TwpPage 151
Hunt, MorrisonUpper TwpPage 163
Hunt, WillisAid TwpPage 112
Hunter, James G.Aid TwpPage 113
Hurdman, PhillipHamilton TwpPage 224
Hurren, HesekinHamilton TwpPage 230
Hurt, CorneliusFayette TwpPage 29
Huser, JohnWashington TwpPage 285
Hush, JuneElizabeth TwpPage 264
Huskins, ElizabethWashington TwpPage 286
Hussa, JohnFayette TwpPage 20
Hustan, Thomas W.Mason TwpPage 98
Hutterban, NathanElizabeth TwpPage 266
Hwels, ElizabethUpper TwpPage 192
Hyeal, ThomasMason TwpPage 108
Hyson, ClarissaMason TwpPage 109
Ide, TimothyUpper TwpPage 214
Imael, William P.Perry TwpPage 2
Imes, HarrisonElizabeth TwpPage 252
Ines, EdithUpper TwpPage 184
Ingles, WilliamUpper TwpPage 221
Irwin, GeorgeSymmes TwpPage 131
Irwin, George W.Symmes TwpPage 132
Irwin, JohnUpper TwpPage 169
Irwin, John T.Symmes TwpPage 132
Irwin, Johnson M.Fayette TwpPage 22
Isaminger, GeorgeFayette TwpPage 31
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