1860 Census Index “G”

Submitted by Shirley Reed

Cragery, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 252
Gabtrose, F.M.Upper TwpPage 194
Gadby, ArchibaldSymmes TwpPage 193
Gaens, LarutraElizabeth TwpPage 254
Gaffy, MaryHamilton TwpPage 228
Gaffy, PatrickHamilton TwpPage 228
Gainer, HenryFayette TwpPage 27
Galdcamp, John T.Upper TwpPage 202
Gales, GeorgeUpper TwpPage 206
Gales, JacobUpper TwpPage 177
Galiver, Nancy J.Symmes Twp.Page 134
Gall, WilliamHamilton TwpPage 229
Gallagher, SamuelFayette TwpPage 35
Gallagler, JamesSymmes TwpPage 137
Gallaw, PeterWindsor TwpPage 142
Galligher, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 240
Gallum, PatElizabeth TwpPage 239
Galvin, MaryUpper TwpPage 168
Gannt, AbramElizabeth TwpPage 262
Gararic, JohnWashington TwpPage 287
Garbern, Eve S.Upper TwpPage 207
Gardener, JosephUpper TwpPage 187
Gardiner, MichaelUpper TwpPage 189
Gardner, DudsonRome TwpPage 77
Gardner, ThomasRome TwpPage 77
Garling, AdamWasington TwpPage 291
Garner, ThomasUpper TwpPage 203
Garper, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 244
Garvey, JohnWashington TwpPage 295
Gasper, ThomasElizabeth TwpPage 244
Gass, PeterElizabeth TwpPage 249
Gassett, JamesWindsor TwpPage 144
Gassett, JosephAid TwpPage 114
Gates, AbelAid TwpPage 117
Gates, Alexander S.Aid TwpPage 127
Gates, DavidAid TwpPage 127
Gates, FrancisElizabeth TwpPage 249
Gates, G.P.Elizabeth TwpPage 249
Gates, George W.Aid TwpPage 117
Gates, HughSymmes TwpPage 131
Gates, JohnPerry TwpPage 15
Gates, MelissaAid TwpPage 128
Gates, StephenAid TwpPage 127
Gates, StephenUpper TwpPage 191
Gaur, Charles P.Hamilton TwpPage 299
Geanic, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 241
Gearheart, JohnMason TwpPage 95
Geggan, BarnardUpper TwpPage 180
Gellen, JaneLawrence TwpPage 39
Gellispe, JohnUpper TwpPage 179
Gellit, SydneyRome TwpPage 72
George, DavidUpper TwpPage 196
George, JamesLawrence TwpPage 43
George, John S.Upper TwpPage 184
George, RachaelAid TwpPage 114
Gepson, JohnFayette TwpPage 26
Geremore, HenryElizabeth TwpPage 255
Gervey, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 254
Gettis, SarahUpper TwpPage 193
Gettiss, JamesUpper TwpPage 193
Gholson, SarahUpper TwpPage 184
Gibson, EmmaUpper TwpPage 212
Gibson, JamesLawrence TwpPage 45
Gibson, JamesWindsor TwpPage 142
Gibson, James E.Aid TwpPage 122
Gibson, John Q.Fayette TwpPage 31
Gibson, RobertWindsor TwpPage 142
Gibson, SewisFayette TwpPage 25
Gibson, U.C.Hamilton TwpPage 224
Gibson, William L.Aid TwpPage 119
Gifsora, MargaretHamilton TwpPage 225
Gilbert, HenryUpper TwpPage 185
Gilford, MaryHamilton TwpPage 229
Gillen, ArmstrongUnion TwpPage 63
Gillen, BenjaminElizabeth TwpPage 245
Gillen, ElijahUpper TwpPage 181
Gillen, GeorgeElizabeth TwpPage 246
Gillen, Isaac F.Union TwpPage 49
Gillen, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 246
Gillen, LevinaHamilton TwpPage 235
Gillen, MahildaLawrence TwpPage 37
Gillen, MartinUpper TwpPage 168
Gillen, NancyFayette TwpPage 24
Gillet, AlansenRome TwpPage 69
Gillet, ElishaWindsor TwpPage 149
Gillet, Raschal F.Rome TwpPage 77
Gillet, William W.Rome TwpPage 76
Gillhoffer, GeorgeWashington TwpPage 286
Gilliaspie, WilliamWashington TwpPage 268
Gillimon, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 268
Gillispie, CatherinUpper TwpPage 189
Gillon, HannaLawrence TwpPage 38
Gilman, MathewUnion TwpPage 49
Gilman, TheodoreFayette TwpPage 27
Gilruch, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 240
Gipson, Michael B.Upper TwpPage 171
Giver, FredickElizabeth TwpPage 260
Gladman, WilliamMason TwpPage 95
Glanllin, JohnLawrence TwpPage 37
Glaser, ChristopherHamilton TwpPage 230
Glass, WilliamUpper TwpPage 209
Glidden, C.M.Upper TwpPage 183
Glidden, RuthUpper TwpPage 183
Gobart, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 254
Goccklor, JohnFayette TwpPage 20
Godbee, MarthaDecatur TwpPage 278
Goff, HenryFayette TwpPage 23
Goff, KatherinaFayette TwpPage 20
Goff, PocohontesWindsor TwpPage 146
Goff, S.W.Upper TwpPage 207
Goff, SamuelSymmes TwpPage 136
Goff, ThomasWindsor TwpPage 150
Gofff, JamesWindsor TwpPage 146
Goldcamp, ElizaElizabeth TwpPage 255
Goldcamp, JamesElizabeth TwpPage 266
Golden, AlbertUpper TwpPage 220
Golden, MartialUpper TwpPage 220
Golden, WilliamUpper TwpPage 174
Golden, William C.Upper TwpPage 201
Goneer, WilliamUpper TwpPage 180
Gonnon, JessiePerry TwpPage 8
Gonnon, WilliamPerry TwpPage 5
Goodall, AustinUnion TwpPage 58
Goodall, EliUnion TwpPage 59
Goodall, ElizabethRome TwpPage 77
Goodall, HenryUnion TwpPage 58
Goodall, ParksUnion TwpPage 59
Goodall, SarahWindsor TwpPage 140
Goodall, WilliamUnion TwpPage 58
Goodell, JacksonUnion TwpPage 59
Goodfellow, JohnUpper TwpPage 217
Goolsberry, ClarissaAid TwpPage 115
Gopson, FrancesFayette TwpPage 28
Gordon, EthlendaElizabeth TwpPage 264
Gordon, JohnFayette TwpPage 31
Gore, William Jr.Lawrence TwpPage 41
Gore, William Sr.Lawrence TwpPage 41
Gosset, ArchibaldWindsor TwpPage 155
Gosset, JaneWindsor TwpPage 147
Gosset, JohnWindsor TwpPage 154
Gosset, MathiasWindsor TwpPage 145
Goudy, PulaskiHamilton TwpPage 226
Gould, FrederickWashington TwpPage 288
Goulder, JohnUpper TwpPage 197
Graham, AaronWindsor TwpPage 149
Graham, J.H.Union TwpPage 61
Graham, JonathanUnion TwpPage 61
Graham, S.O.Upper TwpPage 207
Graman, JosephElizabeth TwpPage 255
Granit, GreerElizabeth TwpPage 245
Grant, StephenElizabeth TwpPage 247
Grawlee, LucyMason TwpPage 107
Grayham, EphraiznoWashington TwpPage 287
Grayham, Rebecca J.Washington TwpPage 288
Grear, John F.Decatur TwpPage 278
Grear, JosephRome TwpPage 75
Great, John A.Aid TwpPage 117
Green, ArtemiaHamilton TwpPage 228
Green, JamesAid TwpPage 111
Green, LydiaPerry TwpPage 14
Green, MarionAid TwpPage 118
Green, MarionMason TwpPage 108
Green, NancyAid TwpPage 127
Green, NelsonFayette TwpPage 25
Green, William D.Upper TwpPage 170
Greenell, Jane A.Upper TwpPage 185
Greenlee, WilliamAid TwpPage 121
Grenar, JosephRome TwpPage 74
Grey, WilliamElizabeth TwpPage 239
Grice, EliasMason TwpPage 99
Griffen, ThomasElizabeth TwpPage 267
Griffith, AndrewWindsor TwpPage 154
Griffith, DavidElizabeth TwpPage 258
Griffith, DavidUpper TwpPage 186
Griffith, ElizabethUpper TwpPage 193
Griffith, FrederickSymmes TwpPage 130
Griffith, JohnWindsor TwpPage 141
Griffith, JohnWindsor TwpPage 153
Griffith, Lewis A.Aid TwpPage 119
Griffith, RebeccaUpper TwpPage 188
Griffith, ThomasSymmes TwpPage 138
Griffith, ThomasWindsor TwpPage 153
Griffiths, AslandoAid TwpPage 126
Griggor, CatherineElizabeth TwpPage 245
Grimes, RobertDecatur TwpPage 275
Grimes, SamuelWashington TwpPage 287
Grimshaw, WilliamUpper TwpPage 176
Grinson, FrankUpper TwpPage 212
Grist, Maria S.Mason TwpPage 103
Grist, MaryMason TwpPage 103
Griswin, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 261
Grizzel, HiramUpper TwpPage 222
Grizzel, SolomonUpper TwpPage 222
Groder, CharlesRome TwpPage 87
Grogory, FrancesWindsor TwpPage 159
Gropman, MaryUpper TwpPage 181
Gross, AmandaHamilton TwpPage 234
Grubb, DanielUpper TwpPage 164
Grubb, ElizabethHamilton TwpPage 232
Gueso, JosephLawrence TwpPage 46
Gum, GalewoodRome TwpPage 81
Gunhamer, WinsilDecatur TwpPage 278
Gunnup, GeorgeUpper TwpPage 194
Gursuing, JohnElizabeth TwpPage 255
Gurtin, JaneUpper TwpPage 184
Guthrie, FrancesRome TwpPage 69
Guthrie, JamesRome TwpPage 69
Guthrie, JohnRome TwpPage 69
Guthrie, MargaretRome TwpPage 88
Guthrie, PrestonRome TwpPage 69
Gutterie, W.B.Hamilton TwpPage 235
Guty, MichaelUpper TwpPage 197
Gwin, Nathal H.Hamilton TwpPage 228
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