A HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, OHIO Thomas A. Walton No. 8 Ironton Register, January 22, 1902 I hereby give a list of the marriage returns with the date of and by whom they married: June...
First Sunday School
About 1825 or 1826, at Haskellville, as near as I can ascertain, the first Sunday School or class was taught by Thomas Walton. He, in 1831, moved to the Rome farm, and there taught a class on Sundays, during the Summer time, and about 1840 or 1842
Ye Olden Times 1819
Ye Olden Times – In a recent issue of the Register, a correspondent from West Virginia spoke of the early settler Ventraux. I find in looking over my “Notes of Early Settlers of Lawrence County” this statement: “In 1819 the first above Two Mile was Ventraux.
Early Furnace History
LAWRENCE COUNTY, OHIO, THE CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF EARLY TIMES. The Early Furnaces - The First Use of Hot Blast and its Success, Familiar Names. Thomas A. Walton Ironton Register, August 25,...
Walton Letter from Victoria Texas
INTERESTING LETTER FROM Thomas A. WALTON Ironton Register, March 30, 1905 Victoria, Texas, March 15. Editor Register: Little did I think when I talked with Capts. Wm. Wilson and Frank Payne about...
Walton Writes of Ohio People
Mr. Thomas Walton Writes of Ohio People He Has Met In the Far West. Ironton Register, January 4, 1906. The following letter from our old friend, T. A. Walton, who resided for years at La...
List of Early Officers
A HISTORY OF LAWRENCE CO. Thos. A. Walton. No. 14. Ironton Register, March 19, 1903. A continuation of the list of early officers of Lawrence county: CORONERS Edward...
Early Prosecutors, Surveyors, and Recorders
A HISTORY OF LAWRENCE CO. Thos. A. Walton. No. 13. Ironton Register, March 12, 1903. Following is a continuation of the list of the early Prosecutors, Surveyors, and Recorders of...
Early Elected Officers
A HISTORY OF LAWRENCE CO. Thos. A. Walton. No. 12 Ironton Register, Feb. 19, 1903 Following is a list of the county officers from the county organization up to recent years, with the time of...
Walton Early History 12 Feb 1902
A HISTORY OF LAWRENCE CO. Thos. A. Walton. No. 11 Ironton Register, February 12, 1903 (sic 1902, paper dated wrong) Last week was concluded with a lengthy list of the marriages in this...
Mound Builders on Austin Farm
Notes of the early settlers of Lawrence county, Ohio,” and in it find the following: the Austin farm appeared to have been a battle ground, many large
Letter From Kansas
If Aunt Nelly Justice, near Arabia, is alive, ask her if she knows of anybody during the last seventy years, in Lawrence county, dying from copperhead or rattlesnake bite?
Walton’s List of Early Marriages
Early Marriages 1817 - 1823 Thomas A. Walton’s father was a surveyor and did the first survey of Ironton. Thomas A. Walton contributed to the first newspaper in Ironton for many years, even after...