ONE OF THE FINEST – The 47th anniversary of the American Legion is being celebrated nationwide today…Although not active today, Frank J. Goldencamp Post 59 was among the first 60 in the nation and...
The Boat Builders of WW2
THE BOAT BUILDERS – A friend suggested last week that if we had records of 1942 that we write a column about the boats built in Ironton during WWII, which not many people knew much about at that...
Our Town Advertised Coffee
OUR TOWN ADVERTISED COFFEE THIS IS IRONTON, OHIO – This is the second chapter in a review of events that occurred to spread the name of Ironton, Ohio, for a wide during the early years of history of...
April 5, 1966 THAT PERFECT STEP – Mary Martin at Eastertide, the Sunday night TV show on Channel Three, had a surprise for many in this vicinity when she introduced in person the members of Radio...
William Cardwell
JUST 49 – William A. Cardwell, plumbing contractor, came to Ironton forty-nine years ago today… “I must have liked the town,” said Bill, “as I stayed and my three sons were born here”…The town was...
Double Checking Ironton Ohio Census
It appears that Ironton took a nosedive in the nose count…We quote from this column on Monday morning… “Ironton boosters and the Board of Trade should be prepared for bad news…
Ironton Ohio Fire Department History
MAY 21, 1918 – That date was a long time ago to City Foreman George Bruce…Recently he found an old newspaper among books at his home…The paper is a copy of the Irontonian of the above date…George...
Who’s Hungry
WHO’S HUNGRY? – Nothing printed in this column since Soliloquy first appeared five years ago last January, has resulted in as many phone calls as the listing last week of grocers on South Third...
Reunion Time
The “old-timers” of the high school class of 1931 are gathering this week for a reunion on Saturday night…A lot of water has gone under the Ironton-Russell bridge since that class graduated
Octobers to Remember
The tenth month was a busy one for important events in this city years ago…It was on the first of October 1879 that “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” showed at Union Hall,
Christ Episcopal Church History
Sixty-nine years ago today, the ground was broken for the beautiful stone Christ Episcopal Church, one of the most attractive in the city…While the ceremonies were going on, the kid on the corner looking on with a dirty face was me…
Falling Leaves Drifting Down
The Indian Summer Weather…The colorful trees up and down the residential streets…The falling leaves like a December snow storm…The newsboy who delivers a daily out-of-town newspaper
How Some Slaves Weren’t Caught
About the year 1856, when Ironton was in her infancy, there came word to Burlington, Ohio, that some half dozen slaves had escaped from Kentucky, and that they would cross, it was supposed at or near Ironton.
General Fuller, Muster, Hotels, Burlington, etc.
General Fuller, Muster, Hotels, Burlington, etc.Ironton Register, Thursday, August 8, 1895 For the Register.With what anticipation did we boys await the time of general muster day when the...
Obituaries of Former Slaves
Last Sunday afternoon, Albert Holt, a well known colored man, was found dead in his bed, at his home, on Washington street. He was up and about on Sunday morning, and was last seen about 11 o’clock,