
Armstrong and Hannah Rankins on Oak Ridge

This name originated, doubtless, under a mistaken view of things, as the furnace didn’t stand on a ridge.  When your correspondent read on the stone in the arch of the old furnace stack, “Oak Ridge Furnace built by W. H. Allison, 1856.”  I could not help saying to myself that the year of ’56 must have been a year of mistakes.

Aid Township

In 1800, the first cabin in Aid Township was built on John’s Creek by Captain John, an Indian, and Andy Friend, a white man, and squatters who made their living hunting and trapping. The first settlement was Marion, [now known as Aid] in 1815. The name was changed due to the conflict with a larger and previously established Marion in northern Ohio. William (Uncle Billy) Stumbo laid out Marion (Aid) in 1840. The village of Arabia also lies partially in Aid Township. Aid Township was organized by Adam Haymaker in 1823.

Murder of Mary Young

On Sunday evening 12th inst., Mary Jane Young, a young unmarried woman died under such suspicious circumstances at Greasy Ridge in Lawrence County, Ohio that mention was made of the circumstances in the Gazette’s dispatches from Ironton, Ohio.

More Counterfeit Cases

In the United States Court, yesterday, Robert Cheeseman and William Dunn plead guilty to a charge of counterfeiting and were sentenced to the penitentiary, the former for nine years and the later for six years. William Shope,

Frank Millirons Counterfeiter

Frank Millirons was arrested near Arabia, Lawrence County, Ohio, this afternoon by Officer Roy Hill and brought here and placed in jail.  It is alleged that Millirons is the leader of a notorious gang that has made and circulated thousands of dollars worth of spurious gold coins in the cities of the Middle West.

Band of Counterfeiters

After completion of the Hatcher (of Belmont County Ohio), the case of Abraham Culver, of Ironton, Ohio, was taken up on the indictment against him for having in possession counterfeit nickels. In this case, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

Counterfeit Ten Dollar Bill

French Chamblin, alias John Kell, an old fellow, was in arrest on the charge of attempting to pass a ten-dollar bill on the Iron Bank at Ironton, Ohio.  The bill looks like a good one, probably as good as the bank itself, but as the witnesses were not ready the case was continued.

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