Pioneers & Profiles

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John H. Brice

John H. Brice, circus detective, not only recalls John Campbell but was among the boys who pestered him on Halloween night, throwing "whiskers" from the nail mill at the windows of his home on Fifth...

Wesley Baldwin

WESLEY BALDWIN  Wesley Baldwin, who now lives on Campbell Drive, Ironton Route 1, recalls living on the Hecla property when John Campbell was the owner. Wes and his brother Ed were assisting their...

Homer McCoy

The Inter Ocean, 29 April 1914, page 6 Homer Wirt McCoy, a bond dealer, was born in Sheridan, Ohio, on 29 April 1859. He received a collegiate and university education and began his business career...

William Cole Frailey

William Cole Frailey, iron master, Ironton, Ohio, was born in Fredericktown, Maryland, on October 28th, 1829. His parents were Christian Frailey and Elizabeth Hopeman, the former of Pennsylvania and the latter of Missouri. His father was a Maryland planter but never owned slaves, being a Whig in politics.

About Uncle Purl Willis

An interesting story about a Lawrence Countian comes to us from his nephew, Brady Willis, of Forest Dale, the old schoolmaster…..It concerns Purl Willis, 87 of 130 Lathrop Lane, El Cajon, California, who left Lawrence County in 1910, lured by the Golden West…He was a Spanish-American War veteran and was captain of Company I in Ironton…A story in the San Diego newspaper adds another chapter to Capt. Willis’ story.

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