What’s New?
Captain A. J. Brattin Civil War Veteran
We talked the other day with Capt. A. J. Brattin (now Constable Brattin) on the subject of the Guyandotte, WV capture
Daniel Woolum Civil War Veteran
Daniel Woolum of Vesuvius Furnace called at the Register office last week to order his paper for another year and having performed the righteous duty
James Roberts Civil War Veteran
James Roberts was a member of Company C 4th Ohio Cavalry. Upon a request from the Register man for a ‘Narrow Escape.’ Mr. Roberts told of an incident in
Frank Fox Civil War Veteran
Frank Fox was riding along Fourth Street and the Register reporter jumped into the vehicle and took a ride with him.
Thomas Baker Civil War Veteran
At Middleport the other day we met Thomas Baker, formerly of the 2nd Ohio Cavalry. He carries an armless sleeve and we asked him where this calamity
Henry C. Boyer Civil War Veteran
Henry C. Boyer of Etna Furnace was in town the other day and the Register reporter had a peasant talk with him. Henry is a fine-looking German fellow
Charles Tomer Civil War Veteran
Our old German fellow citizen, Charles Tomer, did splendid service for his adopted country. He was in the 14th Kentucky Infantry
John A. Jones Civil War Veteran
John A. Jones was going to Cincinnati on his way to take his place, on the U.S. Grand Jury, and stopped at the Register office to get a paper to read
W. S. Merrill Civil War Veteran
The Register man got after W. S. Merrill, this week, for a “Narrow Escape.” He said he thought it a very “Narrow Escape”
Hugh Willis Civil War Veteran
Our distinguished friend, Hugh Willis, was in town last Saturday, and the Register cornered him for a narrow escape. Now, there is not trouble getting information from Comrade Willis.
General McCausland
John Means said “There stands General McCausland.”
A cold chill began to creep along our spinal cord, but instantly remembering the war was over, and
Joshua Ashcraft Civil War Veteran
“I sheltered myself behind a rail fence about three rails high. It afforded very little protection really, but for some reason, I thought it did, and I banged away from my seven-shooter at every head I observed above the earthworks of the enemy. There was a tolerably clear space in front, and I shot away quite oblivious that I was a better mark for them than they were for me. It was at this moment that occurred the narrow escape which you asked for, and which I promised you should not be thrilling. I had observed one particular head sticking up above the earthworks every little while, and I was intent on getting a shot at that head.
John H. Johnson Civil War Veteran
John H. Johnson was a member of 3rd Company 14th Kentucky Infantry. He fought for the Union four years, and though wounded two or three times, and
Captain Thomas Winters Civil War Veteran
Two years ago, the writer of this sketch, Captain Thomas Winters, stood in the old fashioned courthouse at Trout’s Hill. Not a hammer or brush had been
James Chambers Civil War Veteran
James Chambers was a member of Company K 5th West Virginia Infantry and passed through the whole war and many battles without getting a scratch but he