What’s New?

Ironton, Ohio in 1905

IRONTON, OHIO IN NINETEEN HUNDRED FIVE – Civic pride was soaring high in 1905…That was the year of the campaign to build a new courthouse in Ironton, Ohio…Voters are a special bond issue election voted a nice majority in favor…It took a year before ground was...

Constitution Week

FLAGS OUT – This is United States Constitution Week…The ladies of the Daughters of the American Revolution, James Lawrence Chapter, urge the display of Old Glory, all week…Showing your colors means that you are a good American and stand for law and order which is so...

Ironton, Ohio in 1901

NINETEEN HUNDRED ONE – 1901 was the year that Carry Nation, the anti-saloon agitator, was smashing bar mirrors, bottles, and glasses with her hatchet…President McKinley was shot at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo and Teddy, the first of the Roosevelts became...

An Exciting Day

AN EXCITING DAY –  One hundred and three years ago this date, July 12, 1863, was an exciting day in this town, according to the story in the weekly newspaper…The town was alarmed over the spreading of news that Morgan’s Rebel Raiders were marching this way… The...

It Happened Here

IT HAPPENED HERE – A headline in the Herald-Dispatch Monday morning turned the memory calendar back to 1933 for this columnist, a memory that many senior citizens will recall…Franklin D. Roosevelt had just taken office and a national bank holiday had been...

How About Jimmy Durante?

HOW ABOUT JIMMY DURANTE? – One question asked was could we tell them a good story about the courthouse?… There are so many to tell we offered a choice – the big vote steal of 1936, the election night murder in the lobby, or the hanging of a prisoner taken from the...

The City’s Finest

THE CITY’S FINEST – The biggest Open House Party in the city's history is anticipated on October 5, when members of the families of the Ironton Division of the Dayton Malleable Iron Company are invited to join the company officials and the city in celebrating the...

He Loves Ironton Ohio

HE LOVES IRONTON, OHIO – The man with snow-white hair like Santa Claus, whom we met standing with a cane on the sidewalk at the old Marlow Theatre corner, is a gentleman who truly loves Ironton, now living at the Hotel Marting…He is one of the most interesting...

New Parking Lot

NEW PARKING LOT – The big new parking lot of the Dayton Malleable at Third and Vine streets will be ready for the Open House celebration in which the entire city is invited to take part on October 5… There aren’t many readers today who remember the big frame house on...

American Legion Anniversary

ONE OF THE FINEST – The 47th anniversary of the American Legion is being celebrated nationwide today…Although not active today, Frank J. Goldencamp Post 59 was among the first 60 in the nation and during the roarin’ 20s was one of the most respected in the state for...

The Boat Builders of WW2

THE BOAT BUILDERS – A friend suggested last week that if we had records of 1942 that we write a column about the boats built in Ironton during WWII, which not many people knew much about at that time…Two very important announcements were made in March 1942… The first...

Our Town Advertised Coffee

OUR TOWN ADVERTISED COFFEE THIS IS IRONTON, OHIO – This is the second chapter in a review of events that occurred to spread the name of Ironton, Ohio, for a wide during the early years of history of the town in answer to a question, “Who ever heard of Ironton,...


April 5, 1966 THAT PERFECT STEP –  Mary Martin at Eastertide, the Sunday night TV show on Channel Three, had a surprise for many in this vicinity when she introduced in person the members of Radio City Music Hall ballet known as the “Rockettes” and named girls and the...

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