Births and Deaths in Symmes Township 1872

These births and deaths were printed in the Ironton Journal on 9 Oct. 1872 and were typed by our volunteer Peggy Wells. According to the newspaper clipping, these were the births and deaths reported in Symmes Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, for the year ending 31 March 1872.

Did you know? At that time, it was the County Assessor’s job to assign persons to go door to door and ask if there were any deaths or births in that particular household. This is the reason so many were never recorded during this time period. The only person home could have been a child, neighbor, or someone who didn’t know about the birth or death in the home.

By law, the County was required to do this each year until 20 December 1908, when Ohio passed a law that the State Vital Statistic Office in Columbus, Ohio, would handle all births and deaths. This is why the births and deaths from 1868-1938 are recorded in the Probate Courts by Townships in the early books.

You can view them at We have added this link for easier access.


Names of Parents Father’s first name Mother’s first name Name of Child
Adams David Sheba David
Allen Robert Nancy Mary J.
Bandy Nathan Mary J. Sela
Bass Obidiah Emily None stated
Belcher John W. Mary A. Sarah F.
Boggs Harrison Sarah J. Susan A.
Bandy Patterson None given Mary H.
Carter Jesse Elizabeth Washington
Cooper J. C. Polly A. Farris
Cunningham William Mary Charles C.
Cawley A. J. Rebecca Harry E.
Coffman Perry Mary J. Asklissa
Copper (Cooper ?) William Lydia Raymond A.
Delany William Lizzie Octava
Dewitt Wash Catherine Mary C.
Delany John Martha Samuel
Delany Thomas Sarah Rosette
Delaney Michael Lanner Artemirta
Geff Samuel Mary J. Arabie
Hutchison D. W. Anna B. Oliver D.
Hutchison I. N. Mary S. Sarah
Hatfield Henry Barley Edna F.
McHanly E. Eliza Mary
Jackson John Josephine Minnie B.
Jones Samuel Nancy Bonaparte
Joseph Abigail Kemp Charles R.
Malone Hugh Elizabeth Rosette
Miller Eli Anna None given
Miller John B. Amanda Rosetta
Miller Thomas Martha Lucretia
Miller George Angelina Charley F.
Miller George Comfort Elias
Miller John Amanda Mary
Miller John Louisa James W.
Messer S. P. Virginia John L.
McDonald Franklin Amy Mina B.
McDaniel Joseph Alice Margaret
Null John Nancy Mary J.
Oliver Hiram Eva Rebecca V.
Oliver David Cynthia Elizabeth A.
Rise T. J. Mary Sherman J.
Rice Charles Della Alfred
Rankins Wm. Delila Abram
Rayburn Thomas Mary None given
Sneed Richard Aretta Laura
Stewart Harmon Mary C. Sarah
Sharp Wm. Ellen Sarah E.
Sharp Milton Jane Matilda A.
Stewart F. G. Francis Cynthia
Tolbert Chas. W. Jenny C. Mary E.
Thompson J. H. Rachel Margaret D.
Tipton George Susan John J.
Wilson John A. Sarah A. George W.
Woodram C. G. Elizabeth B. Jarusha
Woolum Jacob Rhoda J. Alfred
Wiseman L. F. Mary J. Thomas F.
Woolum Raymond Christina John
Yates Benjamin Elizabeth Jacob




Names of Parents Father’s first name Mother’s first name Name of Child
Addis Nath. Born dead
Bandy Lafayette 31y8m8d Accidental
Bass Obadiah 2y3m22d
Copenhaver H. 70y1m10d Accidental
Comston Martha 72y11m5d Lung fever
Hobble Wm. 68y5m Breast com.
Hanly C. M. 31y1m6d Consumption
Hanly Leatha 73y9m3d Unknown
Kizer A. J. 7d Brain fever
Lambert E. 53y5m Palsy
Lambert E. P. 7d Chol. infan.
Marshal E. 10m9d Dis of Liver
Miller J. H. 3y29d Flux
Snead S. 15y10m10d Consumption
Stewart Hamer 19m Inflam brain
Smith Wm. 60y5m11d Fever
Stewart J. C. 70y5m2d Heart disease
Stewart Levina 17y5m7d Diphtheria
White John F. 80y8m Consumption
White John C. 1y7m4d Inflam brain
Ward George L. 46y11m Lung fever

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