Newspaper clippings 1896 – 1899

PROBATE COURT – IR Jan. 16, 1896

  • Deed of assignment from John J. Brownstead to Martin Schreiber.
  • Will of Fredericka Hobstetter filed for probate.
  • State vs H. Bicker; fined $1.00 for assault.
  • Order of sale issued to S. Sparling admr of Mary Pierce.  L. Vermillion, Thos. Zimmerman, John Pierce, appraisers.
  • E. S. Wilson appointed admr of Keturah Dean.
  • Andrew Lewis admitted to bail.
  • State vs Robt. Hatton; bond to support child given.  Sale of real estate by Lot Davis, assignee, confirmed.

IR Jan.  23, 1896 – SUED.

Thos. N. Ross has entered suit in the Boyd County court against the Yellow Poplar Lumber Co. for $3400 attorney fees.  A levy has been made on the company’s mill at Normal.  Mr. Ross has been devoting much time in the past year or so to an important case of the company down in Virginia and Tennessee.  In fact, for a long time he abandoned his practice here, to devote himself to the affairs of the Yellow Poplar Co.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Apr.  02, 1896

  • Court  adjourned last Friday to Monday 6th.
  • In case of Heider vs Spanner, the jury disagreed.
  • M. G. Clay Treas. vs. H. C. Burr et all; reappraisement ordered.  The property is the Willard residence on Front, and was appraised at $9000.
  • Ford Roofing Co vs H. M. Francisco et al; judgment for plaintiff for $551, which amount was in the hands of the city, retained on contract.  Mr. Ketter claimed about $400 assigned him by Francisco, on labor account, but the judgment for the Ford Co. was on a recorded lien for material.
  • Elizabeth Cochran vs B. Heider et al; judgment by default for C. Spanner, $160.50.
  • Eliza Herity vs A. M. Herity; judgment by default for F. F. Goldcamp exr for $296.75 and foreclosure.
  • Wm. Coe vs Yellow Poplar Co; motion for a new trial overruled; judgment on verdict for $76.75.
  • A. Stewart vs Forest Dale F. B. Works; judgment by default; attached property and sold.
  • W. M. Kerr et al vs A. S. Cooper at al; judgment for $250.83.
  • J. Goldcamp exr vs John Bradshaw et al; judgment for plaintiff $659.83.
  • P. Blankenship vs M. Blankenship; divorce granted.
  • First National Bank vs E. J. Bird et al; judgment for $2693.34; also judgment in another case for the bank for $1200.
  • R. C. Poage vs J. H. Poage et al; judgment for First National Bank for $2,203.34.


  • Pressley Blankenship vs Mahala Blankenship, for divorce; grounds, adultery.  Decree granted to Plaintiff, he to pay costs.
  • Elizabeth Heider vs Conrad Spanner, for money; the jury in this case were unable to agree on a verdict and were discharged, and the case continued.
  • Coal Grove Bldg. & Loan Assoc. Co. vs Martha de V. O’ Connell, et al, foreclosure; finding for J. A. Fay & Egan Co., for $2,637.50; foreclosure.
  • Coal Grove Bldg & Loan Assoc. Co. vs F. J. O’Connell, et al. 
  • C. W. Reynolds appointed guardian ad litem of Paul Francis de Bang; finding for J. A. Fay & Egan Co., for $2,637.50; foreclosure, order of sale.
  • Charles H. Ralph, on application and recommendation of T. N. Ross, was appointed and licensed as an auctioneer.
  • Wm. Vaughn vs Ner H. Swartzwelder; continued.
  • Robert C. Poage vs James H. Poage et al., attachment; finding for First National Bank of Ironton for $2,203.83 with interest from first day of this term.
  • Robert C. Poage vs The Forest Dale Fire Brick and Tile Works, attachment; finding for plaintiff for $1,170.
  • Robert C. Poage vs O. J. Chambers et al, attachment; finding for plaintiff for $2,260.

COMMON PLEAS – IR Apr. 09, 1896

  • The February  …(need to copy)

PROBATE COURT – IR Apr. 23, 1896

  • Ella Lunsford committed to Infirmary; insane.
  • Will of John S. Hansgen admitted to Probate.
  • J. O. Yates, assignee of W. & J. Nixon, granted to sell land.
  • J. C. Dillon, W. E. Rowe and John Pierce appointed appraisers in estate of N. Savony.
  • Estate of John H. Kelley; letters to W. H. Willis.
  • J. P. Shipton, admr. of the estate of Ruth E. Shipton; notice to heirs.
  • George Collins, adm’r of the estate of G. W. Collins, filed inventory.

PROBATE COURT – IR May 21, 1896

  • T. F. Payne appointed exec’r of A. M. Thornton’s will; widow elects to take under it; B. A. Smith, L. A. Dawson and Henry Mannon appraisers.
  • Dividend of 10 per cent ordered in reassignment of R. W. Wylie.
  • W. A. Williams, admr of Lewis estate, filed petition to sell land.


            Attorney W. D. Corn, employed by the board of health to prosecute suits against the city, filed suit in the common pleas court Friday in behalf of Health Officer Lowry against the city.  The health officer by this suit seeks to force the payment of that $500 salary allowed him by the board of health for the year ending the first Monday in May, 1896, but which the city council refuses to pay, on the ground of its illegality.

            The plaintiff also claims interest on that sum from May 5th, the date of council’s rejection of the bill.


            In the suit of Capt. T. T. Carr against Dr. Wm. Shattuck to recover $10 on a note, heard in Squire Henry’s court Friday, the court today rendered judgment for the Plaintiff.  The court held that the note for $25 which the defendant offered as an offset and which was given by Carr to replace gambling loses, was void.


  • H. C. Burr et al, trustees vs Mary M. Witman et al; injunction made perpetual, and the question of validity of the McGovney will reopened as though no former judgment had been made.
  • H. Henderson et al vs J. L. Fisher et al; judgment for $95.71 against James Bradshaw’s heirs, the estates of W. H. Enochs and Dennison Massie.
  • U. Vaughn vs N. H. Swartzwelder; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.
  • Albert Young vs Mary Young; divorce granted.
  • Two cases of Lot Davis as assignee and trustee of W. L. Bickmore, and A. L. O’Connell, and the case of E. G. Scripture, receiver of the Ironton Door Co. brought against Auditor of Lawrence county to enjoin him for adding certain amounts to tax duplicate, as found by the board of equalization; temporary injunction granted.
  • Judge James came last Monday and presided.
  • The case of the Admr. of R. S. Brown to foreclose the $40,000 mortgage on lots about town consumed Monday and Tuesday.  Admr. Cooper of the W. D. Kelly estate seeks to have it declared null on account of fraud.

PROBATE COURT – IR  July 23, 1896

  • Emma Lehman appointed admrx. Of J. Lehman.
  • Fred Putzek naturalized.
  • Trustee of M. G. Clay ordered to sell growing grass.
  • Physician’s certificate filed by E. E. Wells and I. N. Brown.
  • Application for allowance first year support, on behalf of widow of Thomas Campbell.


  • Stephen Dillon vs Will J. Davidson, E. M. Davidson, Edward T. Davidson, and Clayton T. Crawford; for money.  Amount claimed $325.50 balance on note, and interest, at 8 per cent from Feb. 25, 1890.  H. S. Neal attorney.
  • J. T. McKnight as treasurer vs J. H. Emmons, et al; tax ault for $24.32.  R. B. Miller, attorney.
  • Peras R. Polley vs John A. Baldwin et al for $100 and foreclosure of mortgage.  Johnson & Corn, attorneys.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Jan. 16, 1897

  • Probate Court Sustained.  In all but Two Points in the Bickmore Assignment Case.
  • In his decisions rendered Wednesday in the Bickmore assignment case, Judge Dever of the common pleas court sustained the findings of the probate court by allowing the following claims:
  • Flossie Corn, pay roll, $132; glass broken, $65.50;
  • W. L. Bickmore, for services, $160; claims of W. L. Bickmore of $500 in lieu of a homestead; T. N. Ross, attorney fee $190.
  • Lot Davis compensation assignee, $883 (or 383) chattel mortgage of Phoebe Bickmore $1,000; chattel mortgage of Chas. Lintner, trustee of Citizens National Bank $7,000.
  • In the disallowance of the chattel mortgage of Wm. M. Kerr, trustee, for $980, the probate court was also sustained.
  • In the matter of the allowance of extra compensation to assignee, the allowance by the probate court of $500 (Do not have end of article)


  • J. D. Blakeman vs the St. James Methodist Episcopal church of Ironton, et al.  Action for foreclosure of a mortgage of $100 on the church property, $50 of which is now due, and for the annulling of a mortgage held by the Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal church, a corporation organized under the laws of Pennsylvania.  Johnson and Corn, attorneys.
  • Catharine Smith vs. John H. Smith et al, for alimony.  Calvin Reynolds, attorney.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Jan. 23, 1897

  • Geo. W. Keye, guardian of Rosa Hockstep, et al, filed first account.
  •  In re assignment of J. R. English schedule of liabilities filed.
  • In re estate of John Hummel; final receipts filed in lieu of accounts.
  • Catharine Smith vs John H. Smith et al for alimony; injunction allowed.
  • W. W. Reynolds appointed adm’r of estate of George Clark.
  • E. S. Brown, executor of H. S. Brown, filed first account.

IWR Feb. 14, 1897 – THE MEANS ESTATE.

In the U. S. Court at Covington, today, int he case of Wm. Means against other heirs of the Means estate, decision was rendered in favor of Wm. Means, giving him one-fifth interest in the estate.


     The investigation into that suspected case of infant murder on Tenth street appears to be lagging.

     Coroner Davis has no authority in the matter as it now stands to order a search at public expense for the body of the supposed murdered infant, and there appears to be no one to put up money to pay the cost of emptying vaults which may possible hold the evidence of the suspected crime.

     Marshal Collier has given the matter some attention but can’t proceed without considerable expense, which he naturally don’t want to assume personally, with no assurance of remuneration, and so the matter stands.

     It is admitted that there are strong grounds for the suspicions that now exist, but it will cost something to force matters to a conclusion


  • A. D. Bruce admr vs John L. Fisher et al, for money; judgment for plaintiff for $68.
  • L. R. Andrews, guardian, vs Hattie Schneider et al; for money, verdict for plaintiff for $290.82.
  • (do not have end of this column)

IWR July 10, 1897 – JURY DISAGREED

No Verdict Reached in the Betts-Swartzwood Case.  The paternity case of Augusta M. Betts against A. T. Swartzwood of Millersport, which occupied the court this week, resulted in a disagreement by the jury.  The case was given to the jury about 3 o’clock Friday afternoon and they wrestled with it all night and until about 9:30 a.m. today, when they reported their inability to agree on a verdict.  It is understood that the jury stood two for conviction and ten for acquittal of Swartzwood of the charge.  The jury was discharged and court adjourned until September 13th.

IR Sept. 23, 1897 – NEW LAWSUITS

  • Elizabeth Bennett vs Lewis Bennett; divorce; charge of cruelty.
  • Albert Smith vs Mary E. Fisher; claim $1000 damages by reason of defendant’s dog biting him.
  • S. W. Ballard vs Yellow Poplar Lumber Co.; plaintiff claims $10,000 damages in consequence of bodily injuries received while in defendant’s employ.
  • J. W. Johnson vs M. E. Ramey; claims $5000 damages, on the ground that defendant who is a physician was so negligent and unskillful in setting a dislocated elbow joint that plaintiff’s fingers are stiff, wrist will not turn, elbow joint can be used but slightly and arm is wasting away.
  • Lillie Corn vs Nancy Murnahan; equitable relief.
  • Margaret Geiskemeir vs City of Ironton; petition in error; this is the case where the Mayor fined plaintiff $5 and costs for befouling a cistern.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Sept. 23, 1897

  • When the Register went to press last week the case of Charles Shelton vs C. & O. R. R. was before the Court.  Verdict for Plaintiff $2148.11.  The jury was out about an hour.  Motion for new trial.
  • Excelsior B. A. vs Mary Henry; judgment for plaintiff $270.36.
  • Mary Dudley vs Nellie Corn et al; judgment for $726.70 and sale.
  • Second National vs C. Brenning; sale confirmed.
  • C. L. Crawford vs A. J. Warren; proceedings dismissed; exceptions.
  • S. E. Augustus vs J. H. Simmons et al; sale confirmed.
  • Margaret Pugh vs Mary Clary; sale confirmed.
  • J. J. Wall vs David W. Wall et al; partition ordered by John Hall, Jacob Holschuh and Z. Lafon.
  • W. D. Jones vs J. D. Jones; sale confirmed; homestead of $500 allowed to T. J. Charlton.
  • J. H. Keyes vs W. H. Young; sale confirmed.
  • A. Dilly vs C. Tipton et al; judgment for $339.20 and sale confirmed.
  • Sales ordered in the cases of T. L. Collett and Second National Bank vs Reuben Lambert, et al.


  • Ada Smalley vs J. V. Leighty, damages.  Plaintiff claims that the defendant wrongfully detains a piano from plaintiff to plaintiff’s damage in the sum of $250, for which judgment is asked, also an order of delivery of the property.  T. N. Ross attorney.
  • John Ball vs Mrs. Wm. Sullivan at al.  Plaintiff asks for the sale of property to satisfy judgment against defendant in Justice Craig’s court for $26.77 and for the adjustments of claims of other defendants.  C. E. Belcher, attorney.
  • Stephen W. Ballard vs The Yellow Poplar Lumber Co., for damages.  Plaintiff sue for $1,999 claimed by reason of injuries sustained while employed at the company’s mill on Sept. 29, 1895.  A similar suit for $10,100 damages was filed recently.  This is withdrawn and a new petition filed, for less amount, in order to prevent it being transferred to the U. S. Court., W. D. Corn and C. A. Thompson attorneys.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Oct. 23, 1897

  • J. C. Neal adm’r off A. Vitito; petition to sell real estate filed.
  • Geo. W. Keye, guardian of Reuben Estis, filed 2nd account.
  • Frank A. Blake, appointed guardian of Garfield Blake.
  • A. G. And L. E. Blake appointed adm’rs of estate of John W. Blake.
  • Charles Carey, charged with criminal assault and admitted to bail.
  • Chas. Hill, charged with burglary, admitted to bail.
  • Application for guardian of Reuben Estes filed.
  • M. Hawthorn, executor of Robert Morris filed 1st and final account.

IWR Oct. 23, 1897 – THE C. H. & D. RY CO. DEFENDANT IN A SUIT FOR $3,000.

            Eliza Akers vs the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway Co. Is a suit for damages filed by Attorneys W. D. Corn and C. A. Thompson for plaintiff.  Plaintiff’s petition sets forth in substance that she is 65 years old.  That on Sept. 11, 1897, she bought a ticket at Mt. Vernon station to No. 1 Tunnel station and took passage on defendant’s train.

            Being unacquainted with the stations she asked the conductor to notify her when her destination was reached.  Instead, it is aversed, the train did not stop at No. 1 station but carried plaintiff beyond it.  When this was discovered the train backed up part way and put plaintiff off at the road side in a gutter.  That in assisting her to alight the conductor let her fall, whereby she was injured in the shoulder, side and arm.  By reason of these injuries and wrongful treatment she was damaged in the sum of $3,000 for which she prays judgment.

IR Feb. 03, 1898 – Sued.

Henry Cook has sued Ironton for $20,000 damages, for injuries received by the caving in of a trench in which he was laying a brick sewer, on Railroad-st., last August, while working for Bryan & Monroe, contractors.  He alleges that the city should have seen to it that the conditions were of a secure character.  Messrs. Shirkey and Johnson & Corn bring the suit.


  • The Grand Jury reported Thursday last.  They examined 90 witnesses, covering 40 cases, and found 22 indictments:
  • C. Lott vs J. F. Shroeder et al; judgment for $683.65, and foreclosure.
  • P. W. Shafer vs A. Pemberton et ux; judgment for $220 and sale.
  • Hattie B. Reger vs C. F. Reger; divorce granted for willful absence.
  • Belle Massie vs Theodore Massie, divorce granted.
  • Wm. Marting Jr., vs The Drayer Lumber Co; finding for plaintiff, $1302.11.
  • Sarah F. Spurlock vs James Black et al; defendant enjoined from interfering with road.
  • State vs Jos. Gleichauf; two indictments; plead not guilty to selling on Sunday.
  • Star B. A. Co vs A. A. Jenkins et al; judgment for $325.25 and foreclosure.
  • State vs Marion Josephs; sent to penitentiary for two years for burglary and larceny.
  • State vs Charles Leftridge, William Mitchell, Wesley Bolding; charged with burglary and larceny; Charles Leftridge and William Mitchell sentenced to Ohio Reformatory, Wesley Bolden sentenced to the penitentiary for one year.
  • Jack Stitch and Fred Scior charged with selling cigarettes to minor; trial set Feby 21.
  • Doke George sent to jail for 10 days and fined $10 for carrying concealed weapons.
  • W. Randolph Mills sentenced to penitentiary for fifteen months for receiving stolen goods.
  • Adam Kragle to be tried for shooting to kill or wound, on February 22.
  • Willis Gordan to be tried February 21 for burglary and larceny.
  • Charles Conaway plead guilty to bigamy and sent to the penitentiary for one year.
  • Frank Itals sent to Ohio Reformatory, and Wm. Harris sent to penitentiary for eighteen months; for burglary and larceny.
  • State vs J. W. Reader, sentenced to jail for 10 days and fined $50 for selling liquor on Sunday.

COMMON PLEAS – IR Feb. 02, 1899

  • Common Pleas Court convened Tuesday, Judge Collings presiding.
  • John Mohr and Albert Clutts, court constables; the former to remain during court, and the latter to take charge of the grand jury room.
  • The grand jury reported as published elsewhere, except W. A. Murdock and W. J. Search who were excused, and W. P. Rogers and J. H. Moulton Jr. Appointed in their places.  F. A. Dupuy was appointed foreman; the jury was charged and retired.
  • Up to our going to press, nothing but continuances had been entered on the journal.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 02, 1899

  • Estate of Louisa Glasier; inventory and appraisement.
  • Will of Wm. McKeon filed.  Hearing Feb. 4.
  • Geo. Coon recommitted to Boys Industrial Home.
  • Estate of Wade Barnes.  Inventory and appraisement.
  • W. G. Ward appointed gdn. Of John Kinneson et al.
  • Estate of Robt. Royer; distribution as follows:  To widow, $1625.40; Roberta Royer, $1000; Bessie Royer, $700; Alex. Royer, $400.
  • Filed 5th and final account Abner Rapp, gdn of heirs D. C. Rapp; 1st and final account A. R. Johnson, assignee Henry Pancake; 2nd and final account (Do not have end of this column)


  • The grand jury reported last Saturday afternoon, saying they had been in session 5 days; examined 115 witnesses, covering 30 cases and reported 13 indictments.  They reported the jail well kept, but the light, ventilation and sewerage not good.
  • Edward Hartwig, John Dickess, Edward McMackin and Charles McMackin were each fined $15 and stand committed until paid for carrying concealed weapons.  They all plead guilty.
  • James Ramsbottom was fined $15 for disturbing religious meeting.  He plead guilty.
  • E za Wadington plead guilty to robbery and was sentenced to 2 ½ years in the Ohio penitentiary.
  • Zalmon and Albert Ferrall and Chas. Webb were arraigned and plead no guilty.  Their trial was set for March 13th.  Each one will have his separate trial, and probably Salmon Ferrall will be the first tried.
  • Samuel Bush plead not guilty to carrying concealed weapons.
  • Dr. J. W. Lowry, indicted for making false statement as a medical examiner, was arraigned and plead not guilty.  His trial was set for March 2.
  • M. G. Clay, Treas. vs Sophia Berlin et al; reappraisement and sale.
  • J. C. Snyder, Trustee vs C. J. Dunfee et al; sale confirmed.
  • Julia Hood vs John Hood et al; security in 30 days or dismissed.
  • J. H. Ramey vs Uriah Corn et al; sale confirmed.
  • Marting & Flehr vs G. D. Gray; judgment for Sarah O. Williams for $40.35 and sale.
  • S. O. Loan Co. vs G. Wacht; sale confirmed.
  • W. G. Ward vs Addie Tulga; sale confirmed.
  • J. B. Snyder, Trustee vs H. H. Bazell et al; judgment for plaintiff $232.40.
  • A. R. McIntosh vs J. Ashcraft et ux; judgment for plaintiff $2048 and sale.
  • D. H. Ankrim vs Amanda Ankrim; settled at plaintiff’s costs.
  • Snyder & Belcher vs Addie Tulga et al; judgment for plaintiff $234.55.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 16, 1899

  • Bond of Joseph J. Abele, exr. Nicholas Haubert, approved.
  • M. L. Becket, admr vs John L. Jones et al; petition to sell land.
  • Filed:  Final statement, estate of B. Blankenship; first and final account of F. L. McCauley, admr. Robt. B. Royer.


  • M. G. Clay, Treas., vs Jennie B. Peters; sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • J. V. Leighty vs same; sale confirmed.
  • H. S. Neal vs C. Schrieber admr; finding for $100.25.
  • State vs Samuel Bush; found guilty of carrying concealed weapons.
  • J. Layman vs J. Mittlehauser et al; verdict for defendant.
  • West I. B. A. vs W. Stoker; new appraisement ordered.
  • Equity Milling Co. vs M. A. Cloran; continued off docket.
  • D. W. Wall gdn., vs J. K. Lafon; sale confirmed.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 23, 1899

  • L. A. Williams admr. A. T. Swartwood, filed petition to sell real estate.
  • Margaret Gestkemeyer, widow of Geo. Gestkemeyer, filed motion for allowance in lieu of dower.
  • Final receipts in estate of I. B. Murdock.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar. 16, 1899

  • Estate of George Willard; 65 shares of Belfont stock appraised; order of private sale; sale at 52c.  Confirmed.
  • Will of James Tagg filed.
  • T. S. Murray exr. Geo. Gieskemeir vs Margaret Gieskemeir et al; dower fixed do not have end of this article at present.


  • Lizzie Jones vs Wm. Jones; marriage annulled on account of illegality.
  • C. P. Tracy & Co. vs V. Neal & Co.;  (can’t make out from print – bad copy)
  • M. G. Clay Treas vs Sophia Berlin (or Berlis); sale confirmed.
  • Mary E. Skelding vs Mary A. Scott, trustee, sale confirmed and proceeds $361 distributed.
  • Mary J. Dickseid vs Abbie S. Kirker; reappraisement ordered.
  • John Rodgers was appointed Court Constable during Ferrell trial.
  • Birdie Adkins vs Reuben Adkins; divorce granted.
  • The Court began with the trial of Zalmon Ferrel for the murder of Jas. R. Baldwin, last Monday, and was proceeding this Wednesday afternoon, and will probably take up most of the week.  There are 150 witnesses, not more than one fourth of whom have been examined up to our going to press.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar. 30, 1899

  • Exceptions to account of T. S. Murray, exr Gestkemeier (?); withdrawn by agreement.
  • Estate of E. E. Saunders; motion to remove T. D. Shirkey, admr. filed.
  • David Edwards committed to Athens hospital.
  • Arthur Anson committed to Boys’ Industrial School.
  • E. E. Corn appointed admr of Stephen Brown.  Appraisers, J. G. Lane, John Bruno, Arch Fish.
  • Supine Everly, gdn. Adolphus Shafer et al; petitioned to sell mineral rights.
  • Assignment of Lindsey Kelly; sale of stocks by Kate Honschel confirmed.
  • T. D. Shirkey reappointed commissioner of insolvents.
  • Eugene Williams discharged from arrest and imprisonment, through application to commissioner of insolvents.
  • Estate of Wade Barnes; sale of realty confirmed.
  • Estate of Thos. Cowan; sale of real estate ordered.

PROBATE COURT – IR May 1, 1899

  • K. A. Miller appointed adm’r of John A. Killew.
  • Hattie Gilruth appointed admr of Thomas Gilruth.  Appraisers, S. V. Kelly, R. L. Trumbo, N. Davisson.
  • Estate of Jacob Jones; sale ordered.
  • Will of Robert Hall probated.  J. M. Hall appointed executor without bond.
  • James Bull appointed adm’r of Mary V. Dinkel.  Jere Davidson, J. H. Davidson, J. P. Canterburty, appraisers.
  • Estate of Andrew Anderson, sale confirmed.
  • Louis Schneider appointed guardian of Hattie Schneider.
  • Assignment of M. G. Clay; motion to dismiss application of Trustee for special allowance, filed by H. S. Neal.
  • T. D. Shirkey appointed Trustee of John D. Jervis.


  • Convened Tuesday, Judge Collings presiding.  The following grand jurors were sworn in:
  • A.D. Markin, D. Halley, W. M. Hoover, James Templeton, J. O. Gillette, Samuel Steed, J. M. Rowe, W. R. Richardson, S. Dement, J. F. monnig, W. H. Keyes, A. T. Null, F. C. Turvey, Walter Corns, Mart King.
  • After the jury retired, the Court called off the docket, but no cases were tried.

PROBATE COURT – IR July 13, 1899

  • Sale of real estate of Remelia Cradic ordered; E. Bixby, P. H. Therkeldson, B. R. Laine appraisers.
  • Petition to sell real estate in estate of A. J. Maloney for hearing July 22.
  • Affidavit in insanity of Lucinda Anderson filed.
  • Will of W. A. Kelly admitted to probate. J. H. Willis, Jno. Herity and W. R. Richardson appointed appraisers.
  • A. W. Ward, admr. Harvey Thomspon, filed statement in lieu of account.
  • R. Mather, admr. of Rachel Scott filed petition to sell real estate.

PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 31, 1899

  • Estate of J. J. Rauck, resignation of Jos. B. Schmidt admr. accepted.
  • Oscar Roseberry admitted to bail.
  • Sale by R. Mather, admr of Permelia Cradic, confirmed.
  • Estate of Abram Moore; private sale ordered.
  • R. S. Stewart appointed admr. estate of D. F. Hudson.
  • Estate of Ann Hicks; sale confirmed.

COURT RECORDS –  I WR Oct. 14, 1899


  • John T. McKnight vs Julia A. Pratt et al, continued.
  • Michael Halloran vs George T. Scott et ux, continued.
  • Joseph Monnig vs Henry Cook alias A. H. Cook et al, continued off docket.
  • L. S. McCaffrey and Herman Thompson vs Frank D. La Lanne et al continued.
  • Elizabeth Clark vs Henry Gestmeyer, dismissed.
  • Margaret Geekemeyer vs city of Ironton, continued.
  • Susan Brown vs Phillip Brown dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
  • J. Q. Leighty vs J. W. Carrell, continued.
  • J. Q. Leighty vs. M. M. Whitman, continued.
  • John Sampson vs Rebecca Sampson dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
  • The Star B & L Company vs Margaret Wagner, et al.  Leave to E. Rouse to answer.
  • Allen Wilson vs William Dunfee, et al, continued.
  • John T. McKnight survivor vs Margaret Wagner, et al, continued.
  • The state of Ohio, ex rel, O. C. Clary.
  • M. D. vs the Board of Infirmary Directors, leave to answer at once.
  • City of Ironton vs the N. & W. Ry., Co., continued.
  • Hugh Willis vs James H. Willis was the suilt filed in the clerk’s office this morning.  The suit is a petition for equitable relief.
  • The following cases were disposed of by Judge Collings in common pleas court this morning.
  • Evan F. Williams vs The Yellow Poplar Lumber company; settled and the costs paid.
  • W. A. Connolley vs W. W. Lewis; judgment for plaintiff for $193.15.
  • Mary M. Whitman vs Harriet E. Mather; leave to answer in 10 days.
  • S. H. Nigh & Bros. vs. the Bremier Lumber Co.; motion to amend petition overruled.
  • Eliza Akers vs the C. H. & D. Ry. Co.; motion overruled and exception, leave until Saturday to answer.
  • David A. White vs the W. S. Ransom Grocery Co. et al; demurrer sustained.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Oct. 14, 1899

  • The last will and testament of Mrs. Ernestine Ensinger was filed for probate today.  The will bequeaths all real estate and $1,000 each to Paul and Edward Horschel, and Emma, Chris and William Ensinger.  All other heirs are to receive $1,000 each in cash and the residue of the estate to be divided equally among all the heirs.  Messrs. Ed. Horschel and Chas. Horn are named administrators.


  • At the closing session of this term of Common Pleas court, criminal cases were disposed as follows:
  • State vs John Haley and William Gilchrist, slot machines.  Indictment mollied as to William Haley.
  • State vs Jacob Berger and John Truby, selling on Sunday.  Indictment mollied as to Truby.
  • State vs E. F. Hannon, John King and James McClain, keeping open on Sunday.  Indictment mollied as to Hannon and King.
  • State vs T. H. B. Jones and Albert Albertson, keeping open on Sunday.  Indictment mollied as to Jones.
  • Augusta Scarberry vs William Scarberry decree of divorce granted upon payment of costs.
  • Florance N. Drayer vs F. M. Searses et al – judgment for plaintiff for $219.90.
  • Charles Ellis vs Hester Ellis, Divorce granted upon payment of costs.
  • Robert Henderson et al partners in trade as R. Henderson & Co., vs Iron and Steel Co. et al.  Judgment for $880 and interest, given at the April term of Common Pleas court.
  • check to see if end of this column.

PROBATE COURT – IR Dec. 30, 1899

  • Private sale ordered of real estate of John A. Killen.
  • Inventory and appraisement of estate of Emily Williams filed.
  • John G. Keys administrator of estate of George W. Keys, filed 3rd and final account.
  • Will of A. N. Stewart filed.
  • Geo. N. Gray exr. Estate of W. F. Wilson filed account of final distribution.
  • Inventory and appraisement of estate of E. W. Curtis filed.
  • John Spielvogel declared intention to become a citizen.
  • Claims against the estate of W. D. Kelly were ordered compromised by Matthew Anderson exr Patrick Sheridan.
  • J. C. Snyder, trustee of M. G. Clay.
  • Ro? Saunders exr. Fred Saunders.
  • George Staker exr. Joseph Mussick.
  • Frank Neekamp admr. John Joseph Rauck.
  • Estella May committed to Girl’s Industrial school.
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