Newspaper clippings 1893 – 1895

PROBATE COURT – IWR Jan. 21, 1893

  • Wills of L. C. Voorhees and Alden Dillon, admitted to probate.
  • In re estate of M. White, F. E. Hayward, W. E. R. Kemp and John Jones appointed appraisers.
  • Henking Borie & Co. vs. W. H. Crawford, et al – T. N. Ross appointed trustee.
  • McDowell vs Spears et al – John Hamilton appointed guardian ad litem.  Appraisement and sale ordered.
  • J. O. Yates, adm’r of Wm. Yingling vs J. H. Yingling – petition filed.
  • Jane Perkins vs Lizzie Thomas et al – Sale ordered.
  • In re estate Thos. McGovney – continued to 26th for argument.
  • W. A. Williams trustee of E. Werner et al – Petition for sale filed.  Answer  Feb. 25.
  • Statement of account of James O’Keefe, adm’r of Ann Walton filed by Annie O’Keefe administrator.

IR Jan.  26, 1893 –  Hugh F. Dempsey was found guilty, after a long trial, of being implicated in the poisoning of food served to the employes who came to take the place of strikers in the homestead mills.

COMMON PLEAS – IWR Apr. 01, 1893

  • Sarah Ann Kelly executrix of will of John Kelly, deceased, vs Clara A. Brown and others, for relief.  H. S. Neal, attorney for Plaintiff.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Apr. 01, 1893

  • J. H. Campbell appointed guardian of Mildred Campbell.
  • R. Mather trustee W. H. Anderson filed third and final account.
  • J. M. Moore, trustee of W. H. Anderson third and final account.
  • M. Anderson appointed executor of will of Patrick Sheridan, bond $25,000.

IR  Apr. 1, 1893

Joseph Crance, of Hecla, was brought before Squire Henry today by Constable Ackerman of Sheridan, charged by Mahala Blowers with failure to support her eighteen month old child of which he is the father.  He waived examination and was held for the probate court in the sum of $200.

IWR, Saturday, Apr. 1, 1893  – THREATENING AN ASSAULT.

            Riley Slaughter, an employe of Lambert Bros’ machine shops, was arrested by Officer Mittlehauser last night for disorderly conduct.  The officer happened upon Slaughter and Sam Bruce down at the Iron and Steele furnace where they were threatening an assault on Polk Long, the furnace watchman, because he accused them of trying to break into a box car some time ago.  Slaughter was let off on promise to appear before the mayor today.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Apr. 15, 1893

  • W. D. Corn admr., de bonis non, of T. McGovney – new bond filed with M. M. and W. S. Witman, H. D. Newcomb and A. R. Johnson, sureties.
  • Applications to choose guardian for Lewis K. Frampton, filed.
  • C. A. Hoffman, guardian of N. W. Hoffman filed second account.
  • M. L. Beckett, admr. of Abraham Miller filed second account.
  • Geo. W. Keye, admr. of Michael White filed first and final account.
  • Will of Elliott Corbin filed, and for hearing May 16.
  • State vs. Lewis Baum for obtaining money under false pretenses.  Plea of guilty and fine of $20 and costs, a total of $41.90.  Fine paid and prisoner released.
  • Exceptions to first and final account of M. L. Whitley, admr. Of James Farris, filed.
  • Jane Perkins reported sale of real estate and sale confirmed.


  • Sarah Ann Kelly executrix of will of John Kelly, deceased, vs Clara A. Brown and others, for relief.  H. S. Neal, attorney for Plaintiff.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Apr. 01, 1893

  • J. H. Campbell appointed guardian of Mildred Campbell.
  • R. Mather trustee W. H. Anderson filed third and final account.
  • J. M. Moore, trustee of W. H. Anderson third and final account.
  • M. Anderson appointed executor of will of Patrick Sheridan, bond $25,000.
  • Sarah Ann Kelly executrix of will of John Kelly, deceased vs Clara A. Brown and others, for relief.  H. S. Neal, attorney for plaintiff.

PROBATE COURT – IWR, May 6, 1893

  • Nancy Massie et al vs The Iron Railroad.  Petition filed notice issued.  To compel the road to appropriate to their use the ground they are now using on Front Street.
  • J. K. Brammer guardian of Mary Melvin, additional bond given.
  • Wm. Dennison appointed guardian of Harry Dennison et al.  Bond $300.00
  • Will of E. Wilkins filed.
  • C. L. Pixley, guardian of Nellie C. Pixley filed final receipt and request for record.
  • Morrison and Reckard, executors of Charles Wilgus, inventory filed.
  • Dora Stumbo appointed adm’x of J. M. Stumbo.
  • A. Winters appointed guardian of E. C. Sample, et al.
  • Elizabeth Lock, exec’x of Mary J. Trumbo, filed inventory.
  • Will of Martha Ellen Howard probated.
  • Second and final account of S. Cronin, guardian of James Cronlin filed.


  • Crump & Field vs Jackson Thompson and Z. A. Thompson, attachment, judgment asked for $403.10.  Johnson & Booth attorneys.
  • Benj. Howell vs. Andrew S. Cooper for $135 due for a horse.  E. F. Williams attorney.
  • Jonathan Morris vs. Albert Wiberly, for possession of out-lot No. 28 in Ohio Iron & Coal Co’s subdivision of sections 7,8,9 and 17 held by defendant against claims of plaintiff R. B. Miller attorney.
  • Agnes Crowell vs. Charles Crowell for divorce.  Grounds neglect and abuse.  The defendant is serving a term of two years in the penitentiary for an assault with intent to kill his wife, having been convicted at the Feb. term of court 1893.  T. N. Ross attorney.
  • Wm. D. May vs Jennie May for divorce.  Johnson & Booth attorneys.

PROBATE COURT – IWR June 03, 1893

  • In re consolidation of sub-district No. 4, Rome township to Athalia special village district, transcript filed.
  • Selb vs Beh et al, sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Lizzie Rodgers vs. Jno W. Rodgers.  Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • J. H. Deering appointed admr. of Thos. Martin deceased.
  • Richard White made application to have his daughter, Clarinda White, committed to the Girls Industrial School on the charge of incorrigibility.  Hearing Friday.

PROBATE COURT – IWR June 17, 1893

  • Gray vs Ellis – Sale of 2-5 interest of north half of lots 79 and 89 of K. B. A., ordered.
  • E. B. Miller trustee of C. Lapin et al vs wards – petition to sell real estate.
  • J. F. Austin appointed adm’r estate of W. D. Kelly.

PROBATE COURT – IWR July 29, 1893

  • Laura Wilson appointed guardian Geo. E. and Ellsworth Wilson.
  • Annis Enoch appointed administratrix of W. H. Enochs.
  • J. J. Davidson appointed administrator with will annexed of Wm. Webb.
  • Will of George Wilson admitted to probate.
  • Will of Wm. Webb admitted to probate.
  • W. W. Wiseman appointed administrator of W. A. Powell.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Aug. 12, 1893

  • State vs. John Grant, Jr., prisoner admitted to bail $300.
  • Exceptions to account of J. F. Austin guardian A. Lautenback filed.
  • Will of Green Vermillion filed.
  • Accounts were filed by James and Thomas O’Neal exrs. M. Frailey, Abner Rapp Guardian Eva Rapp, et al, Eliza Williams admr. Of Wm. I. Williams, Geo. N. Gray admr. Emma Campbell, C. Cronin exr. James Conlin, J. W. Ollum exr. Josephine Forgey.
  • Albert Wilson exr. George Wilson, filed inventory.

PROBATE COURT – IWR Oct. 07, 1893

  • Robert Richardson, 14, son of Mrs. Mary Richardson, was before the court Saturday charged by Officer C. K. Austin with truancy.  It developed that the boy is afflicted with weak eyes which makes study difficult and painful for him.  His case was continued to permit his eyes to be treated.
  • James Hannon, aged about 12 years, son of Mrs. E. Hannon of south Second street, was before the court charged with assault, he having stoned some of the neighbors in a neighborly quarrel between families.  He was given a reform school sentence, which, however, will be held suspended during good behavior.


            At Huntington the jury in the case of Owen Pleasants, charged with the murder of Millard Wellman, having been out for 40 hours, returned a verdict for murder in the first degree at 3:15 o’clock yesterday afternoon.  They recommend that Pleasants be sent to the penitentiary for life.

IWR Dec. 9, 1893 – AT THE COURHOUSE.

  • The case of McDonald and Baldwin charged with grand larceny for stealing copper from the sunken Louise was called in the court yesterday.  None of the witnesses were present however and the trial could not proceed.  Attachments were issued for a number of witnesses.  Deputy Sheriff Ward went to Catlettsburg after George Barton but he refused to come.  The case against McDonald is up for hearing today.
  • The jury returned a verdict this afternoon finding McDonald guilty.
  • The trial of Wm. Baldwin, jointly indicted with McDonald for grand larceny for stealing copper from the Louise, was called in the court Saturday, and concluded today, the jury rendering their verdict this afternoon, finding the defendant guilty and the value of the copper stolen $50.  W. D. Corn and T. N. Ross defended Baldwin.
  • The trial of Frank and Albert Pritchard for cutting to kill was called in the court this afternoon.
  • The trial of Browning, the slayer of George McClellan has been postponed until December 11th.  The criminal docket is now two days behind.
  • A motion for a new trial in the case of Augustus Smith charged with shooting with intent to kill has been filed by his attorneys, W. D. Corn and Calvin Reynolds.
  • Four prisoners were sentenced by Judge Dever Monday afternoon.  These were:
  • Henry Upp, for burglary, 18 months.
  • Thos. Lane, assault to kill, 1 year.
  • Mack Brammer, burglary, 18 months.
  • W. F. Kilgore, larceny, 1 year.
  • All but Brammer were taken to Columbus this morning by Sheriff Gates, Tom Gates and Phillip Pancake.  Harry Ward, colored, was taken to the reform school.
  • The case of Albert and Frank Pritchard indicted for cutting to kill, their victim being Sam Cary, occupied the court Monday afternoon.  P. C. Booth and T. N. Ross defended.  The jury retired at 10 o’clock and at 4 this morning returned a sealed verdict.  They found Frank Pritchard guilty of cutting to wound and Albert Pritchard not guilty.
  • The trial of John Grant, sr., and John Grant, jr., occupied the court Tuesday.  They were indicted for cutting and stabbing with intent to kill or wound, the victims being John and Wm. Dalton.  The trouble occurred at Foit’s saloon in this county last summer.  The accused were defended by Attorneys John Hamilton and T. D. Shirkey.  The jury returned their verdict about 8 o’clock this evening finding John Grant, sr. Guilty of assault and John Grant jr. Guilty of assault and battery.
  • Sarah McGuire vs John Feeley, (do not have end of article)


  • Leona Cornwell vs. Silas Cornwell, $25 temporary alimony allowed.
  • Nettie Doleman vs John W. Doleman, for divorce.  Divorce granted, and plaintiff given custody of child and to pay costs.
  • Court adjourned Thursday afternoon until January 5th., which will be the last day of this term.
  • John G. Lane appointed soldier’s relief commissioner for Lawrence county to serve three years from the expiration of his present term.
  • M. L. Beckett granted a license to keep a skiff ferry for one year at Athalia.
  • H. C. Watters and Stephen Dillon granted a license to keep a skiff ferry for one year at Coryville.
  • J. W. Blankenship granted a license to keep a skiff ferry at Blankenship’s Landing opposite Coxe’s Landing.


  • S. N. Weil & Co vs G. P. Gruber, et al; sale confirmed, deed and distribution ordered.
  • Thos. Johnson vs H. C. Jones, et al, judgment by default for $6,233.99, and for Elizabeth Campbell for $2,525.53, and order of sale.
  • Isaac Massie vs Simon Kotovsky; jury disagreed and discharged.
  • E. V. Dean vs Sibelia Fink; verdict for plff. For $25.
  • State vs Albert Steele; gambling; plea guilty; fined $10.
  • State vs Chas. Brown; shooting with intent to kill; plea of not guilty withdrawn; 3 years in penitentiary.
  • State vs Nelson Huron; plea not guilty withdrawn; penitentiary for three years.
  • State vs James Hale; plea not guilty; trial Mar. 13.
  • State vs Joseph Graber; plea guilty to selling on Sunday; $50 fine and ten days in jail; indictment for keeping open on Sunday nollied.
  • State vs Jos. Gleichauf; plea of not guilty withrawn; $30 fine and 10 days in jail; the other indictment nollied.
  • State vs Chas. Nelson; plea of not guilty withdrawn and plead guilty to shooting to wound; penitentiary for two years.
  • Check to see if this is end of this column.


  • The court was in session half a day last Monday, and reconvenes today, Wednesday.
  • In the cases of Jackson Ullom and John Waugh against the Lawrence County Commissioners, for balance claimed on turnpike work, the court gave judgment for the defendants.
  • Estes vs Pancake; new trial granted, whereupon the plaintiff dismissed the case.
  • Petition to sell Rome chapel parsonage lot, for cemetery purposes granted.
  • Ferry licenses allowed as follows:  M. L. Beckett, Athalia; J. M. Blankenship, Cox’s Landing; H. C. Waters and S. Dillon, Coryville.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 14, 1895

  • Addie Ratcliff committed to Children’s Home.
  • W. A. Williams, assignee of Small & Co., filed report of private sale and asked extension of time of sale which was granted for 30 days. 
  • Sale of property by J. O. Yates, adm’r of W. L. Yingling, confirmed.
  • Myrtle Wall appointed guardian of Fannie Wall et al.
  • C. J. Kuhner, gdn of Samuel Wolf, filed statement in lieu of account.
  • F. M. Reckard, adm’r of M. K. Becket, filed petition to sell real estate.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 21, 1895

  • Will of Leonard Hawkins admitted to probate.
  • W. W. Wiseman, adm’r of W. A. Powell, filed final statements and receipts.
  • Thos. Hamilton, adm’r de bonis non of W. H. Enochs, filed first and final account.
  • In the will of James Davidson, testimony of Harland P. Hall and Cyrus Thomspon of St. Paul, Minn., filed by J. M. Hawthorn, Commissioner.
  • J. Davidson, gdn of Wm. Sheridan, filed 4th account.

COMMON PLEAS – IR June 27, 1895

  • Jno. Smiley vs Lindsey Kelly; judgment for plaintiff $292.
  • Jno. Wallace vs Margaret Fellure; sale confirmed.
  • Esther Dovel vs Lindsey Kelly; verdict set aside and case referred to master commissioner.
  • Maria Kerns vs the City of Ironton; verdict for plaintiff $317.
  • Coalgrove B. A. vs J. G. deBang, trustee, judgment for plaintiff $384.41; also, judgment against J. G. deBang et al for $671.24.
  • Theodore Neekamp vs J. Duncan et al; sale confirmed.
  • Henry Miller vs Hattie Sneider et al finding by default for $253; sale confirmed.
  • N. K. Moxley vs Jos. Vaugn judgment for plaintiff $28.80; and for Swartzwelder for $585; order of sale.
  • F. J. O’Connell vs The Ironton Door Co.; report of receiver approved.  All claims of 90 days prior to receiver ordered paid.
  • Z. T. Collier; divorce granted.
  • Harriet E. Burr vs C. R. Crawshaw: (do not have end of this column)


  • Annie Corum vs. James Corum, divorce granted.
  • Jennie B. Peters vs. T. B. Ball; demurrer of plaintiff sustained.
  • Henry Myers vs. Americus Weekly, judgment for plaintiff, $327.80
  • Frederick Cronacher vs. F. A. Cronacher; allowance to defendant’s wife $500 in lien of homestead out of proceeds of sale.
  • Malissa Currington vs. J. A. Currington; divorce granted; the care of minor children given to plaintiff.
  • Peter Fetter vs the Metroplitan Life Ins. Co.; judgment of $674.58 for plaintiff.
  • G. W. Sandford vs Joseph Mays; sale confirmed.
  • Albert Barnes vs. C. H. & D. R. R.; motion for a new trial overruled, and defendants excepts.
  • W. E. Massie vs the C. H. & D. R. R.; Demurrer to petition sustained.  Judgment for defendant for costs.

PROBATE COURT – IR July 18, 1895

  • In estate of Chilton Wood, $100 allowed widow and $75 to minor child for year’s support.
  • In the case of exceptions to second account of Austin and Burr, trustees of Thos. McGovney; exceptions overruled and account settled.
  • Philip Riter appointed adm’r of estate of Bertha Geser.
  • R. L. Meers, guardian of Mary Saylor, and T. H. Burton, admr. of A. J. Jones, final account.
  • In the estate of Jas. Bradshaw, appeal bond of widow filed; private sale of personal property confirmed.
  • B. Butterfield, guardian of Ann Baxter, filed account.
  • Exceptions to account of guardian of Samuel Wolf filed.
  • In the estate of W. D. Kelly; exceptions to final account of J. F. Austin filed.
  • Order of sale to Lawson Drury, admr of James Alexander.
  • In the estate of Lorana Willis; waiver of heirs filed; appraisers, Henry Moots, Jos. Boyd and H. S. Brammer.

PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 1, 1895

  • Widow filed answer in re estate of Chilton Woods.
  • Injunction allowed in case of Susan Markin vs Chas. Markin.
  • Exceptions to account of J. F. Austin, admr. to be heard Aug. 10.
  • Sale ordered in the estate of Lorena Willis.
  • Pearl Young made assignment to Ezra Dean, C. H. Moore, E. O. Arnold and C. W. Henry appraisers.
  • Daniel Guygan admitted to bail.
  • Thos. Anson appointed admr. of Caroline Collier.
  • Reports of assets and liabilities in the assignments of L. and I. A. Kelly.

ADDED – PROBATE COURT – Aug. 1, 1895

  • Exceptions to the 4th account of M. L. Beckett, admr. of A. Miller.  For hearing Aug. 5.
  • Henry Meyers appointed executor of C. Unger.
  • Mandates issued from Common Pleas, on account of C. Forgey, guardian and of H. C. Burr, et all, trustees, vs M. M. Whitman.
  • Estate of P.M. Wall, application for private sale filed.
  • E. S. Brown appointed executor of will of H. C. Brown.  Widow elected to take under the law.

PROBATE COURT – Aug. 29, 1895

  • J. H. Deering, admr. W. M. Martin, sale confirmed.
  • Sale confirmed in case of R. W. Blankenship, admr. of Lorana Willis.
  • Sale reported in case of Ezra Dean, Assignee of Pearl Young.
  • Margaret S. McConn appointed guardian of Margaret McLean.
  • Will of Ella N. Perry admitted to probate.
  • (do not have end of this column)

IR  Nov. 7, 1895 – Fred Harris, the young colored man whom Robt. Royal, a companion, shot by accident at Jone’s restaurant, died last Tuesday night.  A post mortem revealed the bullet in his brain.  The Coroner’s verdict was that the shooting was purely accidental.  It was another case of “didn’t know it was loaded.”

IR Nov. 21, 1895 – L. D. Markin, as administrator of the estate of W. D. Kelly, offered for sale last Saturday, fifteen pieces of property, of which only two were sold – The Exchange Bank building to D. H. Clark for $1600, and lot 229 on the east side of 5th street to John Mahle for #387.  229 is the second lot below the corner opposite the Kelly barn.  There were no bids on the rest of the property, which included other lots in that square, and the entire square known as the Kelly homestead.

IR Nov. 21, 1895 – JESSE DILLON’S SUIT.

The City of Ironton allowed Jesse Dillon $2,000 on his Third street contract.  Jesse claimed $6600.  And this difference of opinion resulted in a lawsuit, which closed last Saturday night with a verdict for $461 for the plaintiff.  In this case, Mr. Dillon claimed the City Engineer did not make correct measurements, or allow him for the real amount of material he put on; that was a $4000 discrepancy between the actual amount of material required in the contract and the estimates of the Engineer.  The case occupied some time in its trial.  J. L. Anderson assisted Solicitor Rea, for the city.  A. R. Johnson appeared for the Plaintiff.  Motion by city for a new trial.

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