Newspaper clippings 1890 – 1892

Newspaper articles can be invaluable when used for historical or genealogical research. Throughout many years of skimming old newspapers from Ironton, Ohio, the clippings below were abstracted by Sharon M. Kouns. She contributed to The Lawrence Register website to assist in your research and hopes someone will benefit from them. These tidbits of information were for the years 1890 – 1892.

One More Reminder: You can search using Ctrl + F.

PROBATE COURT – IR  Aug. 14, 1890

  • R. B. Miller appointed Adm’r with the will annexed of John L. Brammer.
  • Elias Turley admitted to bail.
  • Sale of land by Annie R. Campbell, Adm’r of H. M. Campbell, confirmed.
  • W. W. Wiseman, Adm’r of Alien Wiseman, filed final receipts.
  • Ambrose J. Trumbo, Adm’r of Lycurgus Worthington, filed a petition to sell real estate.
  • Rosa Riel, the guardian of Lydious Riel, filed inventory.
  • J. N. Thomas was sworn in as Deputy Auditor.
  • Jno. Hassey, trustee of Andrew Hassey, et al., filed the first and final account.

PROBATE COURT -IR  Aug. 14, 1890

  • Jno. H. Dutiel, appointed Adm’r of A. P. Dutiel.   T. Kerns and F. Jones, appraisers.
  • Jere Davidson was appointed guardian of the minor heirs of O. Sheridan.
  • Annie G. Waddle was appointed guardian of Andrew Waddle.
  • Inventory of W. Brammer’s estate filed, and sale of personal property ordered.
  • W. D. Corn appointed administrator de bonus non with the will annexed of Thos. McGovney.
  • Applications for the guardian of S. F. V. Davidson for hearing Aug. 20.
  • W. D. Corn, Adm’r of Thos. McGovney filed a motion for Trustees to turn over to him $500 to defend the estate in Etna suits and other matters.  It is ordered that same be done.
  • The second and final account of Jno. A. Witman, guardian of Mary L. Taylor.

PROBATE COURT, IR Sept. 11, 1890

  • R. B. Miller appointed Adm’r with the will annexed of John L. Brammer.
  • Elias Turley admitted to bail.
  • Sale of land by Annie R. Campbell, Adm’r of H. M. Campbell, confirmed.
  • W. W. Wiseman, Adm’r of Allen Wiseman, filed final receipts.
  • Ambrose J. Trumbo, Adm’r of Lycurgus Worthington, filed a petition to sell real estate.
  • Rosa Riel, the guardian of Lydious Riel, filed inventory.
  • J. N. Thomas was sworn in as Deputy Auditor.
  • Jno. Hassey, the trustee of Andrew Hassey et al., filed the first and final account.

PROBATE COURT – IR Sept. 18, 1890

  • J. Davidson appointed Adm’r of Thos. Thompson.
  • A. S. Cooper, the assignee of Amos Griffith, filed a report of sale.
  • Anna R. Campbell, adm’rx of H. M. Campbell, filed the Second and final account.
  • Chas. Lintner, ex’r of Lorenz Lutz, filed inventory.
  • W. C. West, of Jacksonville, Fla., appointed Commissioner to take the testimony of subscribing witness to the will of Sarah Boll.
  • J. Davidson, ex’r of S. White, filed the first account.
  • D. W. Wall, Guardian of heirs C. K. Wall, filed inventory.

PROBATE COURT, IR Jan.  15, 1891

  • R. B. Miller, Adm’r with will annexed of John L. Brammer, reported the sale of real estate.  Sale confirmed.
  • Allen and Dempsey, executors of Sam’l W. Dempsey, ordered to sell real estate.  Henry Pancake, H. D. Newcomb, and C. L. Pixley
    appointed appraisers.
  • G. T. Shirkey, the guardian of Otis E. Reynolds, filed the first account.
  • A. S. Cooper, the assignee of Amos Griffith, filed the first account.
  • Joseph Leibert was appointed executor of Baraba Leibert.
  • James O’Keefe was appointed administrator of Thos. Rafferty.
  • R. B. Miller appointed Adm’r de bonis non of Owen Davidson.
  • Jeremiah Davidson appointed Adm’r of F. Disterdick.
  • W. D. Corn, Adm’r of Noah Wallace, filed the first and final account.
  • L. D. and J. P. Eaton, executors of J. P. Eaton, filed a second account.
  • H. S. Neal appointed Adm’r de bonis non with will annexed of Anna Rafferty.
  • Wm. E. Thomas, the guardian of Mary C. Notter, filed the first and final account.
  • Wm. E. Thomas, guardian of Chas. H. King et al., filed the Second and final account.
  • R. B. Miller, Adm’r de bonis non, &c, of Harriet Barry, filed first and final account.
  • First National Bank filed reports of unknown depositors.
  • State of Ohio vs. John Quillin; malicious destruction of property.  Found guilty and ordered to pay $50 and $30 costs.
  • State of Ohio vs. Dan Corrol; malicious destruction of property.  Found guilty and ordered to pay $25 and $33 costs.
  • State of Ohio vs. Charles Charles Leftrage; truancy. He was sentenced to Boys’ Reform School. Sentence suspended.

PROBATE COURT – IR Jan. 29, 1891

  • Henry S. Neal, Adm’r with will annex of Ann Rafferty, filed
  • Judson Ferrell, deceased Adm’r of R. S. Shipley, filed the first and final account.
  • Davisson, Louisiana, widow of Jesse Davisson, deceased, elects to take under his will.
  • C. J. Kuhner, guardian of Samuel Wolfe, vs. Samuel Wolfe et al., sale reported, confirmed, and deed ordered; motion to vacate filed.
  • H. S. Neal, the assignee of John Campbell, filed a report of payment of a dividend of two percent.
  • Hugh Forgey, the executor of M. Forgey, filed the first account.
  • William Meistedt, app’t guardian of Charles Crawford.
  • A. J. Trumbo, Adm’r of Charles Worthington, filed a report of sale, same confirmed, deed ordered; 1st and final account filed.
  • Loretta C. Knight, the guardian of Ruby L. Knight, filed a report of sale; the same was confirmed, and a deed was ordered.
  • The State of Ohio, ex rel Mary Lodge vs. Caroline Meeks, et al.; habeas corpus for custody of John Lodge testimony was taken – the case was taken under advisement till Jan. 31.
  • C. Culbertson, the executor of Elona W. Lacroix, filed 1st and final account.
  • R. Mather, Adm’r of Joel H. Stimson, filed inventory.


  • H. S. Neal v Retta Dawson; verdict for the plaintiff.
  • M. Farris v W. Farris et al.; partition ordered to be made by A. McCorkle, D. E. Munsell, and Edward Brammer.
  • The following prisoners were arraigned:  John Huddle,
    fornication; Jos. Graber, selling and keeping open on Sunday, two cases; George Tait and Asa Clark, carrying concealed weapons; Isaac Day, murder in the second degree; Leonard Lee and Michael Tipton or Tinton?, burglary; Frederick Dameron and James Butcher, forgery; George Frazier, shooting with intent to kill; Jno. Messer (?), burglary; Jno Reaper, gambling; Alonzo Young, bribery; Hannah Werner, selling and keeping open on Sunday, two cases.  Of the above cases, of Clark, Tait, Damron, and Butcher plead guilty.
  • Hannah Sanders v Lewis Ulrick (DO NOT HAVE END OF THIS ARTICLE)

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar.  19, 1891

  • Russell and Dillon, adm’rs of Reuben Dawson, filed a second account.
  • J. E. Taggart, guardian of John H. Meiboon et al., vs. Caroline Kramer et al.; answer of guardian ad litem filed; appraisement and sale ordered.
  • Noah V. Ward appointed adm’r of Noah Ward.
  • Susan McGuire appointed adm’r of J. B. McGuire.
  • Hester A. Jordan, appointed adm’r of Jonathan Jordan, deceased.
  • Petition of Thomas Willis for release from jail as an insolvent debtor dismissed.
  • Exceptions to 3d account of J. A. Raine, guardian of T. B. Baxter et al., filed.
  • W. A. Murdock vs. C. K. Austin et al., – cause certified from Circuit Court – petition for appointment of Trustee filed.
  • The first final account of Geo. B. Davies, adm’r of Joseph Setdlemeyer, filed.

IR Mar.  26, 1891 – In the case of H. S. Neal vs. Rettie Dawson, a writ of ejectment has been ordered in favor of the plaintiff.  This case, as has been described, was for the recovery of a town lot when the condition that no liquor should be sold on it was violated.  We may say that Mr. Neal did not bring the suit to make money out of it but merely to establish a principle and to make good contract conditions.

He has done that so far as the legal decision is concerned.  Now, when the conditions of the sale are complied with, and the removal of the saloon attended to the property will be conveyed back to Mrs. Dawson, on her paying the costs.  We refer to the case because of the principle it establishes.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar.  26, 1891

  • Thomas Willis and J. D. Howell were discharged from custody upon assigning all their property to Thomas D. Shirkey, commissioner of insolvent debtors.
  • Mary E. Blankenship was adjudged insanely.
  • R. B. Miller appointed trustee for the benefit of the creditors of Chas. K. Austin.
  • The Will of William F. Davidson was admitted to probate, and Edward E. Davidson and others appointed executors.
  • H. S. Neal, adm’r of Ann Rafferty, ordered to sell real estate.
  • State of Ohio vs. Thos. Dever, petit larceny, plead guilty.  Fined $10 and ordered to pay costs.
  • Thayer Davidson vs. O. P. Doty et al.; appeal from county commissioners.
  • Levi Shirley and Henry Crawford appealed the decision of county commissioners in the matter of Brushy Branch road.

PROBATE COURT – IR Apr. 23, 1891

  • T. D. Shirkey, admr of Isham Witcher, filed the Second and final account.
  • Will of Mildred P. White admitted to probate.
  • Samuel Dewess (?) admitted to bail.
  • Levi Shively et al.; vs. J. N. Wilson et al.; appeal in a road case.  Jury ordered.
  • J. A. Raine, guardian of T. P. and Anna R. Baxter filed the Fourth and final account and resignation.
  • W. C. Amos, adm. of Mettie J. Stearns, filed the First account.
  • T. J. O’Connell, Adm. of Barton Summers, filed the First and final account.

PROBATE COURT – IR May 14, 1891

  • James C. Russell, the administrator of James Engle, filed the first and final account.
  • T. N. Ross accepted the administrator of Emelie George.
  • Julia A. Kelly, the executor of John Kelly, filed the first account.
  • J. H. Fisher, guardian of E. Perry filed 2nd account.
  • Ruth W. Kerr, adm’r of W. H. Kerr, filed a statement.
  • The Will of Esther Corel filed for probate.

IR Aug. 13, 1891 – Quinn Ward, for beating his wife, was taken to the Cincinnati Work House this morning.


Last Monday afternoon, Officers Collier, Wilson, Mulligan, and Jones started to arrest Jas. O’Brien, Tom Mahoney, and John Hite were charged with some misdemeanors.  They went to West Ironton, and then the officers separated, and soon Policeman Jones came upon the trio and tried to arrest them. Still, they resisted and beat Jones in a lively manner about the head and then got away but were afterward arrested by the other officers.  For this little playfulness, Mayor Corns fined O’Brien and Mahoney $25 and sent them to the Cincinnati workhouse for 30 days.  Hite got off with a $10 fine.  They were taken to Cincinnati this morning.

IR Sept. 03, 1891 – Frances Simpson has entered suit in the Common Pleas Court claiming alimony of her spouse, Robert L. Simpson.

PROBATE COURT – IR Sept. 10, 1891

  • H. S. Neal, Exr. of Margaret Ellison, filed the Fourth account.
  • Robert Roberts, Exr. of Ann Roberts, filed the First account.
  • State vs. Silas Cornwall; attempting to provoke a breach of the peace; dismissed.
  • State vs. James Boyle; failing to maintain the minor child; plead not guilty; continued to Sept. 9; attachment ordered.
  • State vs. Frank Lewis; adultery.  Plead guilty; sentence to pay costs and a fine of $25 and be confined in the workhouse for 60 days.
  • State vs. Eliza Holland; adultery.  Plead not guilty; convicted; sentence to pay costs and fine $5 and be confined in workhouse 60
  • State vs. George Royer; carrying concealed weapons.  Plead not guilty; convicted and sentenced to pay costs and a fine of $1.
  • State vs. Hiram Mays; assault; Jury asked.
  • State vs. Kendall Bruce; challenging to fight; plead guilty; sentence to pay the cost and fine $1.
  • State vs. George Gerlack; profane swearing; plead not guilty; convicted; sentence to pay the cost and fine 1 cent.
  • State vs. Thomas Shannon; assault; recognizance was taken for appearance in Common Pleas Court.

PROBATE COURT – IR Jan. 14, 1892

  • Wills of Gerhardt and Anna M. Kruse probated.
  • Isadore Goldcampappointed Exr. Of Gerhardt Kruse.  Bond $15,000.
  • John S. Goldcamp appointed Exr. Of Anna M. Kruse.  Bond $1,500.
  • Ella Oridoff committed to the reform school for girls.
  • Sarah Spencer was sent to a reform school for girls.
  • R. R. Miller Adm’r de bonis non of Owen Sheridan filed the first and final account.
  • Check to see the end of this column 

FOUR FELONIES – IR Jan. 14, 1892

  • Four Felonies – Since our last issue, there have been four persons put in jail on charges of felonies:
  • Delbert Lemley was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Ward above Crown City last Saturday.  He is charged with burglarizing Frampton’s store last March.
  • John Rowe and Henry Jackson were brought from Coalgrove last Sunday night, charged with burglarizing John Peyton’s stable and stealing his chickens.
  • John Dooty was brought here by constable Hart of Fayette on a charge of shooting with intent to kill Isaac Ross on the 20th of December last.
  • These four accused persons are now in jail awaiting trial.

IR Jan. 14, 1892 – James C. Scott, sent from this county to the penitentiary, in December 1890, on grand larceny, has been pardoned.

NEW SUITS – IR Feb. 11, 1892

  • The Treasurer has filed 14 suits against delinquent taxpayers in the past week.  The defendants in these suits are
    Martin Wilson, Cyrus Callicott, J. W. Belcher, J. F. Schroeder, Polly Penn, Stephen Smith, Julius Terry, John Cutright, Joseph Chinn, Nancy Smith, John Armstrong, Henry W. Miller, Jerry Earles, Ephraim Osborn and Margaret Adair.
  • The Building Committee of St. Josephs’s Church brought suit for damages against T. S. Murray, M. Stanton, John Gallaher, and James M. Moore.  The damages claimed are $4984.37 because of the non-performance of the contract with the church.
  • FOR MONEY, L. M. Sheets as Adm’r of F. Fowler vs. R. W. Wylie.
  • See the end of the article.

PROBATE COURT – IR Feb. 18, 1892

  • Jerry J. Davidson, assignee of J. D. Davidson, bond filed.
  • John S. Robinson’s will was probated.
  • Jed B. Bibbee, trustee vs. John S. George et al., petition and precipe filed.
  • State vs. E. Werner admitted to bail.
  • M. Heighton, adm’r of John Heighton, First and final account filed.
  • J. J. Davidson, assignee of J. D. Davidson inventory filed.
  • Helen Ricker, trustee vs. Adeline Ricker et al.; petition to sell real estate filed.
  • E. F. Williams exr of John Bode petition to sell land filed.
  • W. B. Flower, adm’r Francis Flower, inventory, and additional bond filed.

PROBATE NOTICES – IR Mar.  10, 1892

  • Notice is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed for settlement and will be for hearing on April 11.
  • The first account of W. A. Campbell, Adm’r of Wm. Drury.
  • The first account of Jeremiah Davidson, Adm’r of F. Disterdick.
  • The first account of John A. Jones, Adm’r of Timothy Friley.
  • The first account of M. L. Becket, Adm’r of Abram Miller.
  • The first account of Charles Lintner, ex’r of Lawrence Lutz.
  • First and final account of William Johnson, Adm’r of Nancy Darling.
  • First and final account of M. L. Becket, Adm’r of J. M. Becket.
  • The first account of Solomon Phillips, guardian of W. T. And Joseph E. Wallace.
  • First and final account of John A. Jones, adm’s of George W. Sparling.
  • First and final account of Elisa Langdon, ex’r E. G. Langdon.
  • The first account of P. S. Hart, ex’r of J. F. Brie (or Bric)
  • The second account of John Price, Adm’r of David Price.
  • First and final account of J. N. Bimpson, guardian of Elizabeth Bimpson.
  • The first account of Jeremiah Davidson, guardian of William and Francis Sheridan.
  • Second acct. Of James M. Moore, trustee of Wm. H. Anderson.
  • The first account of Amos Justice, guardian of James E. Engle.
  • Third and final account of Hiram Campbell, guardian of Mary E. And Mildred Campbell.
  • The second account of D. B. Gray, guardian of  Jennie E. and Minnie M. Hood.
  • The first account of James Silliman, guardian of John H. And Olive M. Silliman.
  • The first account of E. B. Fields, guardian of James C. Fields.
  • The second and final account of W. W. Wiseman, guardian of Llewellyn Notter.
  • Statement of account of William Brammer, deceased, guard of Coyle heirs.


COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Mar.  10, 1892

  • J. C. Adair vs. Hannah Werner et al.  Finding by default for plaintiff for $808.11 and foreclosure of a mortgage.
  • The Standard Building Association Co vs. C. Akers et ux; finding for Mary L. Neal by default for $59.50 and foreclosure of a mortgage.
  • The State of Ohio vs. John Duty; indictment for shooting at one Isaac Ross with intent to kill or wound; verdict guilty. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years.
  • State of Ohio vs. Isaiah Jones; sentenced to the penitentiary for eight years for burglary.
  • The State of Ohio vs. John Rowe and Henderson Jackson was indicted for burglary and larceny.  This is a case where the accused broke into Mr. Peyton’s chicken house at Coal Grove and stole eight chickens; they plead guilty, each sentenced to the penitentiary for three years.
  • The State of Ohio vs. Jesse Fillinger was indicted for manslaughter.  This is the case in which the accused rode his horse through a crowd of school children out in Lawrence Township sometime last fall and killed a little girl by the name of Sarah Huddle; verdict guilty; sentenced to the penitentiary for two years.

CIRCUIT COURT – IR Mar. 10, 1892

  • Convened at the Court House Tuesday; present, Hons. Thomas Cherrington, Milton L. Clark and
    Daniel A. Russell.  There are seven cases on the docket as follows:
  • In the matter of the estate of William Belcher, deceased vs. Owen Ellison, Trustee, error.
  • John G. Apel vs. The City of Ironton; error.
  • The Dayton Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Co vs. Daniel A. Fletcher; error.
  • Dages, Andrews & Co vs. Joseph A. Raine, Julia B. Raine, and D. H. Clark; appeal.
  • Cambridge C. Clark vs. Jacob Fink et al.; appeal.
  • Andrews, Bates & Co vs. Hugh Keogh; appeal.
  • Ellen Butler vs. Jonathan Morris and D. C. Wilson; appeal.
  • The cases of Clark vs. Fink et al. and Butler vs. Morris & Wilson were continued.

IR Mar. 10, 1892 – On Friday, W. G. Ward, Deputy Sheriff, took Hiram Suiter to the Cincinnati workhouse.

IR  Mar. 10, 1892 – Sheriff Gatestook four convicts to the Penitentiary, Saturday; John Duty, shooting at Isaac Ross with intent to wound, was given two years; Isaac Jones, for burglarizing the Children’s Home, was given a term of eight years hard labor; John Rowe and Henderson Jackson, for breaking into a chicken house, and stealing eight chickens at Coal Grove, from a Mr. Peyton, were each given a sentence of three years.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar. 10, 1892

  • Will of George W. Thompson admitted to probate.
  • Beckett vs. Miller; sale confirmed, deed ordered.
  • Edward Kitts was appointed guardian of Allen D. Roach.
  • Application filed for probate will of John Alexander.
  • State vs. E. Werner; assault and battery; guilty.  Fine and costs $77.47, committed til paid.
  • State vs. Joe Green; neglecting to support the minor child.  Guilty; order that the sentence is suspended each time as he pays $1.00 per week.
  • Smith against Smith; John Hamilton appointed guardian “ad litem.”

IR Mar. 24, 1892 – The case of Feder et al. vs. Cook and Morgan occupied the court all Saturday and Monday and was of great interest to the attorneys.  A similar case to this one is pending in court, but the lawyers, in that case, will change sides, and they are each trying to profit from the labor of the others in this suit.  They will exchange speeches on that occasion, we presume.

PROBATE COURT – Mar. 17, 1892

  • Will of G. F. Buchanan filed for probate.
  • Copy of will of James Haskell admitted to probate.
  • McFadden vs. Ales; sale and appraisement ordered.
  • R. B. Miller, adm’r of Mary Cooper, filed the First and final account.
  • Rachel V. Clarke, adm’r of Geo. Clarke filed the Second and final account.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar. 31, 1892

  • Thomas McDowell, adm’r of George Spears; sale bill filed.
  • J. D. Foster, ex’r of Wm. Kerr, the sale bill was filed.
  • J. D. Foster, appointed adm’r of Jos. Chinn.
  • Joseph Fisher was appointed adm’r of Jacob Wise.
  • C. L. White and Elizabeth White appointed adm’rs of John F. White.
  • Alexander McCall adm’r de bonis non of I. M. Gilruth filed the final account.
  • Wm. H. Arthur, guardian of David Clarke, imbecile, filed the final account.

(check date for 92 or 91)

The motion for a new trial of Isaac Day, convicted of killing Wm. Oliver was heard last Monday, and on Tuesday afternoon, the Court overruled the motion and sentenced Day to a term of one year in the penitentiary.

The motion for a new trial was pressed on two grounds – new testimony and the insufficiency of the testimony at the trial to warrant a guilty verdict.  The new testimony was that of John Campbell.  The Court thought it not to be of sufficient force to disturb the jury’s judgment.  It did not conflict with other testimony at material points.

Besides, there was no excuse for the defense not having a witness at the trial.  As to the verdict being against the weight of the testimony, the Court thought not.  The Judge said that the positive testimony of Bradshaw was quite conclusive as it was supported by other evidence, and all the testimony could be reconciled with it.  So on these grounds, the motion was overruled.

But here, the Court took a new but reasonable view of the case, which accounted for the light sentence.  It thought that Day had committed the deed with no intention of killing.  A fight was going on. He rushed there and saw a man with a chair above his head seeming to
strike someone, throw a stone at the man, only intending to stop the fracas, and unfortunately kill him.

Now, though the defendant denied the killing, the jury found otherwise. It seemed to the Court that, considering the former good character of Day, his sudden appearance at the fight, and the circumstances surrounding the case, justified the opinion of the Court that the killing was of such a character as to require a light sentence.

When Day was asked if he had anything to say, he merely remarked:  “I have nothing except that I am no guilty.”  After the sentence, his brother and other friends came and shook hands with him.  The convicted man showed no emotion at all.

PROBATE COURT – IR Arp. 7, 1892

  • C. L. Pixley guardian Nellie Pixley et al., second account filed.
  • A. R. Dempsey, guardian E. A. Dempsey third account filed.
  • Constanta Scherer was appointed executrix of Michael Scherer.
  • Will of Howard Davidson probated.
  • John Tate admitted to bail.
  • Joseph Fisher, adm’r of J. Wise, inventory filed.
  • M. F. Payne, appointed guardian of Alexander Royer et al.
  • J. J. Davidson assignee J. D. Davidson, petition to sell real estate filed.


  • Nelson E. Murphy vs. Ephraim Massie and C. T. Massie, damages.
  • Nancy Thomas vs. Henry Pancake and Mary Pancake; relief.
  • George W. Keys as Receiver, vs. The Rockwood Mining Co., and R. B. Willis, Admr.; relief.
  • Mary M. Witman vs. Frank Neekamp; foreclosure.
  • Thomas Morford vs. Eliza A. Morford; divorce.
  • Yellow Poplar Lumber Co. vs. N. & W. R. R. Co.; injunction.

PROBATE COURT – IR  Apr. 21, 1892

  • Mahala Smith vs. Hallas Smith; sale reported, confirmed, and deed ordered.
  • State of Ohio vs. Andrew Waddle; adjudged insane.
  • John J. Davis was appointed guardian of Chas Sands.
  • I. F. Gillen, adm’r of John Hagemar, inventory and sale bill filed.

PROBATE COURT – IR May 12, 1892

  • Will of Wilhelmina Heidorn admitted to probate and record.
  • Lydia Deering, the executrix of James Deering;  First account, filed.
  • F. H. Goldcamp, the executor of Fred Monnig; First account, filed.

IR May 12, 1892

  • Isaac Lee was fined $10 and sentenced to jail for ten days for stealing a pair of pantaloons from Marting, Keiser & Co. last Thursday.
  • William Rogers, of Decatur township, was brought in Tuesday and placed in jail by Charles Urban, constable of said township, for stealing two ox-bells.

PROBATE COURT – IR May 26, 1892

  • Emma D. Pemberton was re-committed to the Athens Asylum.
  • C. L. and Elizabeth C. white adm’rs of J. F. White, inventory and sale bill filed.
  • Edward Brammer, guardian of Edmund Brammer, first and final account filed.
  • J. R. Cooper appointed School Examiner of Lawrence county.
  • James O’Keefe was appointed guardian of George Mowery, an alleged imbecile.

IR  May 26, 1892 – CRIMINAL CASES – Court will take up the criminal cases next Friday and Monday.  It will require much time as there are only four cases, and all the other accused persons have pleaded guilty.  Three cases are for the illegal sale of liquor, and one is the McDaniel case of assault with intent to kill Minnie Hayes at Hanging Rock.

PROBATE COURT -IR June 9, 1892

  • Mary R. Schubart Adm’x of A. Schubart, final account filed.
  • F. Cronacher, guardian of Anna Stein, final account filed.
  • Henry S. Neal, adm’r. of Ann Rafferty, final account filed.
  • W. H. Valentine, adm’r. of Louis Valentine, final account filed.
  • Jacob Seyler, jr., adm’r. of Jacob Seyler, inventory filed.
  • State vs. Albert Steele, jury demanded, cause certified to Common Pleas Court.
  • P. C. Booth was appointed administrator of Frederick Hauptreif.


  • The court resumed session Tuesday and continued that day. Adjourned till this Thursday.  The following cases were disposed of:
  • J. W. Downey vs. J. B. Smith; sale confirmed.
  • Barnard & Leas Manf’g Co. vs. John H. Magee et al.; finding for W. E. Rowe for $1908 and interest and other amounts according to priorities as by record; motion of appeal; bond $500.
  • E. W. Oviatt vs. W. F. Patterson; judgment for plaintiff for $2500.
  • Lilly G. Amos vs. B. Butterfield; report of appraisers and sale ordered.
  • Rettie Dawson vs. John Dawson; divorce granted.
  • Also, divorce was granted in the case of Sarah A. Griffith vs. William Griffith.
  • Geo. W. Keye, receiver, vs. Rockwood Mining Co.; finding for adm’r of W. G. Frampton for $980 and order of sale.
  • Jos. Fisher vs. A. J. Apel et al.; judgment for plaintiff by default for $337; finding for Hugh Russell $69; order of sale.
  • Jonathan Morris vs. V. L. Jordan; finding by default for $130.92; and order of sale.
  • In the matter of surrendering the lease of school lot 4, section 16, in Symmes Township, the lease was surrendered, and appraisement was ordered.   Appraisers, W. W. Wiseman, Jefferson Hatfield, and Samuel Hatfield.  Same as to lot No. 5.


  • In session last Monday
  • Standard B. A. vs. Thos. H. Moffett et ux; sale confirmed.
  • Hughes Bros. Mfg. Co. vs. F. J. O’Connel; removed to U. S. Court.
  • Barnard & Leas Mfg. Co. vs. J. H. McGee et al.; attachment for contempt against J. H. McGee; dismissed.
  • Newman & Spanner vs. J. G. Apel et al.; W. A. Williams appointed Receiver.  Bond $500.
  • J. A. Turley, treasury vs. Edmund Adkins; sale confirmed.
  • C. Hall admr. vs. Wm. Johnson et al.; sale set aside.
  • H. S. Neal vs. H. R. Brown; judgment by default for the plaintiff, $1304.95.
  • Wm. Bay vs. Geo. B. Cochrane et al. finding for plaintiff against Geo. B. Cochrane with Emily Cochrane as surety for $803.85, and against Emily Cochrane with Geo. Bay as surety for $132.45.  Order of sale.
  • Regarding the application to surrender the perpetual lease of lots 1 and 2, section 16, Union Township ordered lessees be permitted to surrender lands.  Appraisers, Martin Templeton, Joel Earls, and Joshua Kite.
  • In the matter of the application to sell Welch Congregational church, a sale was ordered.
  • The court adjourned sine die.


  • Martha E. Howard vs. Harriet Vanmeter; partition ordered.
  • State vs. Wm. Ferguson; indicted for manslaughter; recognized in the sum of $600; trial Nov. 21.
  • State vs. George Gruber, Lew. Folger, and Jos. K. Wilson; pleaded guilty to gambling and was fined $20 each.
  • W. H. Lynd vs. Sarah Johnson; finding $100.50 for the plaintiff.
  • Mary A. Powers vs. G. W. Goff et al.; judgment for plaintiff $1378 and the sale ordered.
  • Wm. Elkins vs. R. Mather; judgment for plaintiff $1054.
  • Jno. Means et al. vs. Wm. Means et al.; partition ordered to be made by E. B. Willard, Reuben Lambert, and D. H. Clark.  Two cases.
  • State vs. Thos Coyer; nollied.
  • State vs. Lafe Large, Richard Hunt, and Geo. Delong pleaded not guilty; trial Nov. 17.  John Yates was appointed to defend Hunt and Delong.
  • State vs. Colby Lewis; charged with assault and battery; Chas. O. Rea was appointed to defend.
  • State vs. Elza Manring; fined $10 for assault and battery.
  • Marshal Field vs. The Rockbridge Co.; First National Bank ordered to deliver mortgage deed to the plaintiff.
  • Jno. M. Stroble vs. George C. Grau; title in deed to be invested in the plaintiff.
  • A new grand jury found true bills against Thomas Sinnott and Aaron Mace, the former for robbery and the latter for corruptly influencing a witness.
  • State Geo. Fausnot; was fined $25 and 10 days in jail for taking a horse without leave.
  • The grand jury was in session for four days and returned 25 indictments involving 32 persons.  They examined 97 witnesses and ignored 22 cases.  They also reported that the jail is inefficient in heat, ventilation, and light and unfit for a human being to be confined.
  • State vs. James Minard; plead guilty to grand larceny and sentenced to the penitentiary for 18 months.
  • State vs. Alice Matney;  plead guilty to keeping a house of ill-fame; sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and be committed until paid.  The fine was paid.
  • State vs. Aaron Mace; plead not guilty to corruptly influencing witnesses and recognized under $300 for trial on the 23rd.
  • Regarding the perpetual lease of school lot No. 1, Sec. 16 in Union tp., it found that R. S. Wilson has 55 acres in the south part of 5. The valuation is determined by Martin Templeton, Joel Earls, and Joshua Kite.  Same return for A. G. McCorkle for the north part of lot five and R. T. Eaton for lot two; same commissioners in each case.
  • State vs. Thos. Sinnott; pleaded guilty of robbery and was sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary
  • State vs. Jos. B. Rolph; was fined $40 for gambling.
  • State vs. Wm. Clark; fined $30 for keeping a gambling room.
  • Alice Matney was fined $10 for contempt of court.
  • Plant & Marks vs. J. A. Raine et al.; petition dismissed and notice of appeal.
  • Additional petit jurors were drawn:  Jacob Kilgore, M. Cloran, John R. Trumbo, David Hughes, J. M. Hall, David Hopkins, M. D. Edwards, W. T. Smith, and Crayton Neff.

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