Order of Twelve – Underground Railroad History

ORDER OF TWELVEI.R. Feb. 09, 1888

A lodge of this secret society has been organized in Ironton, and last Monday night, the first officers were publicly installed.  The ceremony took place in the G. U. O. O. F. Hall.

The Order of Twelve is a colored organization exclusively based upon the secret order that was formed in 1852 to operate the famous underground railway system and has operated since the emancipation upon beneficiary principles similar to many other orders.  It has separate departments for men, women, and children.

The lodge just formed belongs to the second class, though some gentlemen belong to it, and is under the direction of W. A. Craig, who joined the order in Arkansas and bears the title of National Deputy and Grand Mentor.  It is the second lodge in Ohio, named “Pride of Ohio Tabernacle, No. 384.”

Following were the principal officers installed:

  • Mrs. M. J. Poage, Preceptress;
  • Miss Callie Scott, Vice P.;
  • Mrs. Caroline Scott, Priestess;
  • Mrs. Mary Peebles, Inner Sentinel;
  • Mrs. Annie Watkins, Outer Sentinel;
  • Mrs. Kate Fossett, Chief Recorder;
  • Miss Lena Tyler, Vice R.;
  • Charles Peebles, Chief Tribune;
  • Levi Mitchel and
  • Henry Watkins, assistants.

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