Judge William W. Johnson

Judge William W. Johnson was the Common Pleas Judge from 1863-1865

The Photos are Wm. W. Johnson, taken from Wikipedia, and his wife Martha Ellen (Blockson) Johnson, taken from Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio 7 Dec. 1996

The Civil War Song “Lorena” was written for her.

 I.R. Sept. 6, 1877 – Sen. Matthews took tea at Mr. John W. Campbell’s when he was here last week. Judge and Mrs. W. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Neal, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilson were also present.

Ironton Register August 4, 1864 – NOTICE – Whereas, my wife, Sophia Johnson, has left my bed and board without cause or provocation; this is to warn all persons from trusting or harboring her on my account, as I will pay no debts by her contract.  August 4, 1864, W. W. Johnson.

Ironton Register, Thursday, September 30, 1875 – The people of Quaker Bottom, Lawrence County, Ohio, highly speak of Judge Johnson’s speech at Proctorville.

JOHNSON, JUDGE W. W.  Ironton Register Nov. 11, 1875 – Judge W. W. Johnson, of Ironton, has been spoken of as a member of the Supreme Court Commission.  No man in Southern Ohio better qualified for so exalted a position.     Ports. Republican.

JOHNSON, MRS. W. W.  Ironton Register Oct. 6, 1887 – Mrs. W. W. Johnson has rented her residence to W. L. Bickmore and will probably make an extended visit to her sisters on the Pacific coast.  She gives possession of the house next week.

Ironton Register Oct. 16, 1890 – Miss Blocksom, of Zanesville, is visiting Mrs. W. W. Johnson.

Ironton Register June 25, 1896 – a runaway horse badly hurt Mrs. W. W. Johnson at Marietta, where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cram.  She was walking along the sidewalk upon which the frightened horse dashed and struck her with such force that her arm was broken, and she was otherwise badly bruised.

The injury to the arm was a compound fracture of the right illum, and was a very aggravated wound, for the bone protruded from the flesh.  It was feared that she sustained some internal injuries.

Though a severe strain on one of Mrs. Johnson’s delicate nervous temperaments, she bore the surgeon’s attention bravely and, at last, accounts were resting more comfortably than expected.  Her friends here learned with deep sorrow of her misfortune, and all hope to hear of her improvement.

SWI 6 Mar. 1917 – Widow of the late Judge W. W. Johnson. died at Marietta, Ohio. She once lived at 7th and Center, Ironton. She had two boys, one died in infancy, and the other died at age 16.

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